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从每个测试旋塞排放空气。Bleed air at each test cock.

锅炉排放了蒸汽。The boiler discharged steam.

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我们排放汽车散热器中的气。We bled the car radiator off.

适宜的烟囱烟雾排放解决方案Suitable Smokestack Smog Solution

在水泵底部安装排放管到排水管。We hurried to get the pump installed.

手机也会排放废气以及煤化物。It's lead, engine exhaust and coal form.

它具有特殊的净化水排放股。It has a special purging water discharge unit.

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双循环发电厂基本没有排放物产生。Binary plants release essentially no emissions.

即使发达国家不排放,Even if developed country emissions go to zero,

利用一种吸收剂捕集二氧化碳排放。Use of an absorbing agent to capture emissions.

但从长时间尺度来看,耕翻将增加农田N_2O排放。For long time scales, it increases N2O emission.

汽车通过排气管排放废气。Gases from an automobile exhaust through a pipe.

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肉冷透后,用利刀片成薄片,排放碟上。Cut pork into thin slices and arrange on a plate.

以及,被我错乱排放的不真实的名字。But I had perceptively known that it was not true.

取出银鳕鱼,排放烧烤架上。Drain the fish cutlets , arrange them on the rack.

工业化国家已经减少了二氧化硫的排放,并减少了含氯氟烃和卤烃的生产。Industrialised nations have reduced SO2 emissions.

在水泵底部安装排放管到排水管。Install drain hose to vent tube at bottom of pump.

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这项政策的目的是控制废气排放。The policy aims at cutting down exhaust emissions.

一个排放活门被安装在水箱底部。A drain valve is located on the bottom of the tank.

机车从烟囱里把烟排放到大气中。An engine emits smoke from its funnel into the air.