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这个重构过程有很多形式,本利说。This redefining takes many forms, Le says.

“本利斯塔”也标志着医药发展的一个里程碑。Benlysta also represents a medical milestone.

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不过,在瓶身上写着“加本利苏伟翁”的葡萄酒,也是混合的么?But if it says "Cabernet Sauvignon" on the label, that's a blend too?

她把全部储蓄交给一个答应给她加倍偿付本利的骗子。She entrusted all her savings to a shark who had promised to double her money.

她把全部积蓄交给一个答应给她加倍偿付本利的骗子。She entrusted all her savings to a shark who had promised to double her money.

保本点分析是量本利分析的核心内容。The breakeven point analysis is kernel content of the cost volume profit model.

运用价值工程和量本利分析原理,探讨供应商的评价与选择方法。Using value analysis and quantity-cost-profit principle to discuss the evaluating and selecting methods of provider.

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此酒蕴含加本利苏维翁所有丰富、成熟、优雅的特质,如李子、黑浆果及巧克力香味。His wine captures all of the ripe generous characters of Cabernet Sauvignon such as plum, dark berries and chocolate.

借了钱如果原定合约包括了付利息时就按照条件本利一起依时清还。When borrowing money and the agreement includes paying interest then always pay the money back on time with interest.

虽然桑塔丽塔是智利几个生产优质加本利苏维翁葡萄酒的酒庄之一,但近五年来它的白苏维翁也渐入佳境。Although Santa Rita is one of the most reliable sources of cabernet in Chile, for the last five years it's been making very good sauvignons too. "."

出埃及记、整本利未记、部份的民数记有细节的记载,甚至新约的希伯来书也花了几章来解释。We read about it in the books of Exodus, all of Leviticus , part of Numbers and it is even explained in the New Testament in some chapters of Hebrews.

本利乐包自动回收机既节省了利乐包总体的回收成本,又提高了人们的环保意识。The machine for automatically recovering the cartons not only saves the overall recovery cost of the cartons, but also improves the environmental awareness of people.

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“本利斯塔”也标志着医药发展的一个里程碑。研发这种药物的美国“人类基因组科学公司”指出,这是第一个根据人类蛋白质基因图谱研发出来的药物。Benlysta also represents a medical milestone. Its American developer, Human Genome Sciences, calls it the first drug derived from the genetic mapping of human proteins.

关于工程施工项目成本控制的方法和原理,专家和学者多有论述,仁者见仁智者见智,如价值链分析法、量本利分析法、价值工程法、ABC分类法等。There are more expositions on the principles and methods of cost control in construction projects, such as value chain analytical method, value project method and ABC taxonomy.

炼油企业应对高油价带来的冲击,运用量本利分析中的边际利润法建立PIMS采购模型能很好地指导企业采购原料。To tackle impact brought by high oil price, according to marginal-value method, oil refining enterprise has set up PIMS purchase model to direct the enterprises purchase oil well.