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缩短你的跨步。Shorten your stride.

爱情能缩短距离。Love shortens distance.

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缩短你的任务列表。Shorten your task list.

他缩短了他的演说词。He curtailed his speech.

这种药膏可以稍微缩短疼痛的时间。It kind of short-circuits the pain.

缩短纯吹氧时间2。It shortened oxygen blowing time 2.

她把裙子缩短了一英寸。She shortened the skirt by an inch.

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你最好缩短讲稿的内容。You’d better cut short the lecture.

通讯缩短了距离。Communication shortens the distance.

这些年似乎一下子缩短了。The years seemed to have telescoped.

他鼓动缩短工作时间。He agitates for a shorter working-day.

他们把访问时间缩短了三天。They clipped their visit by three days.

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那么维生素能缩短感冒的时间吗?Can the vitamin cut the length of colds?

试着在奔跑的时候缩短步幅。Try shortening your stride when you run.

它的更新间隔甚至缩短到了一天。Its update interval could even be one day.

她决定把她冗长的演讲缩短。She decided to abbreviate her long speech.

我们间的距离是否真得能这样缩短?Shortened or not, the distance between us?

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你只要缩短你的名字就好啦。You only have to shorten the name you have.

Google的网址缩短服务地址是,,5个字母。Google’s shortener,, is 5 characters.

有时,他们缩短这个名字为“巴姆”。"Sometimes they shortened that name to "Bam.