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这有助于加快抢修工作。This helps to speed up repair work.

我们正在做抢修工作。We are carrying out urgent repairs.

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他们正在做抢修工作。They are carrying out urgent repairs.

还可用于抢修及锚固工程。Can also be used to repair and anchoring construction.

易施工,特别适合冬季施工或抢修、修补。Easy workability, especially suit for repairing in winter.

配合维抢工作,监控维抢修工作过程的安全。Cooperate with ERC, monitor the safety of the ERC job site.

乡镇通信抢修及保障工作进展情况。The progress of communication repairing and safeguard in towns.

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值班员解释,零件已送到,正在抢修飞机。The watchman explanation, parts, are already to repair aircraft.

一名电力抢修人员顶着炎炎烈日抢修线路。A worker is repairing the electrical wire against the scorching sun.

经过抢修,当天这些地区的通信业务已经恢复。Communications were resumed on the same day, following a rush repair.

制作工程、桥梁构件,机动供电和照明,是道路、桥梁抢修工程最佳移动工作站。So it is a good mobile work station for road and bridge emergency repair.

尽管辐射疑云持续,工作人员还是继续抢修工作。Despite the continuing suspicions of radiation, the staff continued repair work.

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由于道路不通,抢修困难,抢修工作正在进行中。As a result of road impassability, repair difficulties, repair work is in progress.

我们立即组成突击小组轮班进行堤坝的抢修工作。We immediately organized into shock groups to work by shifts on repairing the dyke.

由于道路不通,抢修困难,进一步抢修工作正在进行中。As a result of road impassability, repair difficulties, further repair work is in progress.

深入研究高技术战争条件下铁路桥梁抢修问题,意义十分重大。It is of great importance to make a study of the rush repairs of railway bridges in hi-tech war.

上至60多岁的老人下至10多岁的孩子,都扛着铁锹镢头到村口抢修山路。Groups of villagers, from the age of 10 to 60, brought their shovels to repair the mountain paths.

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因五舱起货机发生故障,工人停止作业。通知机舱抢修。Cargogear in No. 5 hold has broken down, stevedore stopped operation. Notified engine room to repair.

针对供电企业的特点和需要,本文给出了电力抢修车卫星定位监控系统的总体设计。This article discusses in detail the whole system design of electric power rush-repair car monitor system.

除了一名发电值班员外,其他11名队员迅速投入到了管道抢修中。In addition to a power generation Attendant, the other 11 team members quickly put into the pipeline repairs.