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你现在很富有了,是个大财主了。You are rich as Croesus now!

财主也死了,并且埋葬了。The rich man also died and was buried.

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王获楠是淮南的一个财主。Wang Huonan was a rich man in Huainan.

在那里,他们将约瑟卖给一个财主,要约瑟为他工作。There they sold him to work for a rich man.

这样一个小财主也敢跟我逗嘴皮子。An upstart like that dares to bandy words with me!

财主邀请他同去把被偷盗的钱财找回来。Then you must come with me and recover my stolen money.

乡里的土财主们把穷人统称为愚氓。The rich men in the village call every poor person a fool.

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芭蕾舞演员和大财主,拥有了公车旅费的同志。The ballet dancers and the barons, the faggots with bus fare.

他爷爷原来是财主,家里有很多骨董。His grandpa used to be very rich, so there are many antiques in his house.

一位姓甄的财主正需要仓库,他来看了这些房子。Zhen, a local rich man who also needed warehouses, inspected the property.

阿凡提借了财主一锭金子,还他时给了他两锭。Afanty borrowed a small ingot of gold from a moneybags, but repaid him two ones.

一个破石槽能值几个钱?财主乐得送个人情,就给了他。Danzao can break a money value? rich happy to send personal situation, gave him.

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财主和拉撒路的比喻则教导我们财产是如何变得一文不值的。The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus taught how possessions were not to be used.

又有一个讨饭的,名叫拉撒路,浑身生疮,被人放在财主门口And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores

他父亲是个大财主,在国外还有几幢房子和几家工厂。Her father is rich as Croesus. He owns several houses and factories in other countries.

又有一个讨饭的,名叫拉撒路,浑身生疮,被人放在财主门口。And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores.

在过去十年里,中国涌现出的亿万财主比世界官吏就职何其它地方都多。In the last decade more new billionaires emerged in China than anywhere else in the world.

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财主黄喜财自造文字,用以克扣教书先生的薪金被告到县衙。The landlord Huang Xicai made a strange word in order to cancel the salary of the tutor Mr.

财主说,我祖阿,既是这样,求你打发拉撒路到我父家去。Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house

钞票永远在流通,不会停在某一个人身上不走,因此没有人可算是财主。Money will always be in circulation, never stop on anyone, thus no one can be called a rich man.