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圈养鲸鱼亚卡。Yaka, captive whale.

雪貂是圈养动物吗?Are ferrets cage animals?

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在科迪亚卫星上有圈养力克的牧场。The Codian Moon maintains reek ranches.

被捕捉并圈养在卑劣的猪栏。Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot.

人类本就不该被惯在笼子里被圈养。Humans are not meant to be raised in cages.

绝大多数仓鸮都是圈养的。The great majority of barn owls are reared in captivity.

无论是在野生还是在圈养环境中,大熊猫的繁殖率很低。In or out of captivity, panda reproduction rates are low.

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不应为圈养动物接种天花疫苗。Captive animals should not be inoculated against smallpox.

目前,已经发现有1600只大熊猫生活在野外,160只生活在圈养状态。There are about 1, 600 living in the wild and 160 in captivity.

山脚下这样可爱的格子。是一户户人家用来圈养牦牛。"little grids" on the foot of the mountain, they are yaks' lands.

所以我们现在喝的有机牛奶出自那些食用有机谷物长大的圈养奶牛。Bnd so we now have organic milk from caged cows force-fed organic grain.

小组希望,在不远的将来能将人工圈养的猞猁放归山野。In the near future, it hopes to release captive-bred lynx into the wild.

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该一岁的鲨鱼,是圈养大白鲨中存活最久的。The one-year-old shark is the longest surviving great white in captivity.

因此,诗人露丝•帕德尔认为对这些“大猫”的圈养将有损中国在国外的声誉。Farming the big cat, writes poet Ruth Padel, ruins China's reputation abroad.

这块地已用篱笆隔开,以便把牛圈养在内。This part of the field has been divided off with a fense, to keep the cows in.

他家附近有座旧谷仓,是用来圈养山羊和鸡的。Near his house stood the ancient barn that housed the familys goats and chickens.

人类目前圈养的世界最长活蛇于当地时间27日死亡。Humanity is now the world's longest living snake in captivity, local time, 27 died.

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有大约50个老虎在圈养于中国,提出了从一个非常小的方正集团。There are about 50 tigers in captivity in China, raised from a very small founder group.

今天,10000只鸵鸟圈养在围栏里,围栏排成一条被命名为鸵鸟小径的长路。Today, 10, 000 ostriches are grouped in pens that line a long road dubbed Ostrich Alley.

保护区的职责之一就是将圈养的熊猫放归野外。Part of the reserve's mission includes placing the pandas it has bred back into the wild.