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你能做到言传身教吗?。Can you practice what you preach.

有没有在我的言传身教下走向美好的生活呢?There under in my words and deeds toward a better life?

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今日竭诚为主活,言传身教下一代。We influence future generations by living for Christ today.

老太爷的言传身教早已使他儿子获益无穷。The son HAD well profited by the precept and example of the father.

孩子良好的习惯与行为规范,要通过言传身教来养成。Teach them good manners and behavior through your actions as much as your words.

在抚养孩子、言传身教时,未来正逐渐成形。You’re shaping the future through parenting your children and teaching by example.

孔子很博学,而他总是通过言传身教教育他的学生们。Confucius was knowledge and he always taught his students by his words and behaviors.

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他们把这种现象解释为“言传身教”和“人权平等。”The phenomenon is described as "acting as an example to others" and "equality of human rights".

如果父母自己不言传身教,不要指望孩子们能从教会青少年导师和教师那里学习。Don't expect kids to learn from youth leaders and teachers what they're not learning from parents.

象后来京剧界的著名演员李少春、马又良,都曾受过白玉珍的言传身教。Later, as the famous Peking Opera actor Li Shaochun, horse-liang, have received Bai Yuzhen's words and deeds.

他们的言传身教给写作或将要写作的人提供了有益的启示。This is an inspiration to the persons who are engaged in writing and who will take up writing as their career.

关于太极拳的起源与流传,许多史事轶闻仅见于拳术家的言传身教。Tai Chi Chuan on the origin and spread, and many anecdotal things only found in the history of boxing's words and deeds.

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再见,为我们授课的老师,你们的言传身教为我提供了可资效仿的典范,我会把它传授给我的学生。Goodbye, for our teacher, you give the precept provide me with the model of emulation, and I'll put it teach my students.

对于曼联的这些年轻球员来说,没有比得到生姜头这样的俱乐部传奇言传身教刚好的方式了。For United's youngsters there could be no greater stimulus than being coaxed by the ginger embodiment of the club's ethos.

语文教师必须通过言传身教对学生进行生命教育,在阅读教学、写作教学、语文课外活动中渗透生命教育。The teachers of Chinese should shoulder their responsibilities for life education to help their students cherish their lives.

保罗和威廉姆斯将会作为老兵镇守后场,他们需要一到两个年轻球员让他们去言传身教,就像基德曾经为他们做的一样。With Paul and Williams the veterans of the team, they will need a young protégé or two to mentor just as Jason Kidd did for them.

她超越了男权社会中的男性,担负起领导全家的重任,并以她的言传身教教导着下一代女性罗撒香。She is above the males and she took up the responsibility of leadership. She instructs Rose do Saran through her actions and words.

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我把我最后这篇社论献给一个非凡的女人,她言传身教,使我们学会从全新的视角看世界。I dedicate this, my last editorial , to an extraordinary woman, who lived by example and compelled us all to see the world through new eyes.

除了需要师傅言传身教,更加需要勤学苦练,积累大量的实际表演经验,因而要组成一个皮影戏剧团是十分不容易的。In addiction to the masters' teaching, performers have to work hard to accumulate experiences. That's why to form a shadow play troupe is so difficult.

正因为这些努力,以及学校其他老教师的言传身教,自己的教师职业道德水平有了很大的提高。Because of these efforts, as well as other old school teachers teach by precept and example, teachers' occupation moral level has been greatly improved.