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他的命真苦,遭遇了这样的天灾人祸。A nature disaster and man-made disaster.

天灾人祸,灾害频发。Natural disasters. Human-made disasters.

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天灾人祸是共业所感召。Natural and man-made disasters originate in the collective karma.

行政长官应该如何应对和处理天灾人祸?How will the Chief Executive handle natural or man-made disasters?

动物经常在天灾人祸中弄得肢体残缺不全。Thanks to either manmade or natural dangers, animals often lose limbs.

天灾人祸中,夜色有时是会那样助人杀兴的。Such tragic favors of the night do occur sometimes during catastrophes.

后因天灾人祸,花园又一度萧条。Due to natural calamities and man-made misfortunes, garden was once depression.

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在各种天灾人祸面前,儿童最是天真无辜,又最易受到伤害。It is children who are most prone to the harm of natural and man-caused disasters.

所有这些天灾人祸加在一起,所产生的一个效应,是增进了中国人的民族自豪感。As Claudia Blume reports from Hong Kong, one effect has been rising national pride.

我想这几乎已经把曼城排除在争冠队伍之外了,除非发生什么天灾人祸。I think this almost certainly rules City out of the title race now, unless a disaster happens.

平时我对外国的天灾人祸没有什么感觉,只是可怜无辜的百姓。Normally I do not feel anything natural disasters in foreign countries, but poor innocent people.

进入21世纪,人类不断受到天灾人祸造成的危机的挑战。Entering 21st century, human society faces more challenges by crises from nature and human society.

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乔利说,在发生天灾人祸或社会有急需时,政府显然有责任救援。When disasters happen or a social need arises, government clearly has a responsibility, Jolly said.

突然感到我们的幸福,因为我们生活的地方没有天灾人祸。We felt that we were so happiness, because we were living in a place without natural disasters and wars.

他们在此训练如何应对火灾、地震、洪水和恐怖袭击等天灾人祸。At the site, rescue workers learn how to deal with major fires, earthquakes, floods and terrorist attacks.

天灾人祸是共业所感召,要消除灾难,必先消除自己的罪业。Natural and man-made disasters originate in the collective karma. To banish them, we must first purge our bad karma.

这可以防止它受到天灾人祸的破坏,更何况还有警卫和警犬随时戒护著。This would protect it from natural threats and unwanted tampering, especially as guards and dogs would be on the scene.

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一切条件都与政府作对,使其无法保护人们免受天灾人祸的侵袭。Everything conspires against a government's being able to protect its people against disasters, whether natural or man-made.

他们就是那群抗争在天地间的英雄,那群与天灾人祸、残酷现实抗争的高大身影。They are the group of heroic struggle between heaven and earth, the group with natural disasters, harsh reality of resistance of tall figure.

种种天灾人祸对人类生活所造成的不安愈演愈烈,并衍生出多方面的影响。Natural calamities and man-made disasters have caused increasing uneasiness to the life of mankind, and have affected the world in many aspects.