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党组发挥领导核心作用。The group plays the role of the core of leadership.

李静,深圳广播电影电视集团党组成员、副总编辑。Ms. Li Jing, Vice Chief Editor of Shenzhen Media Group.

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党组设书记,必要时还可以设副书记。The group shall have a secretary and, if necessary, deputy secretaries.

2009年,中国残联党组成员、副理事长程凯到金钥匙中心视察。In 2009, Vice-Director of CDPF Cheng Kai inspected Golden Key Research Center.

省侨联党组成员章伯岗热情接待了贝学贤一行。Zhang Bogang, member of the Party Group of the HFROC, gave his warm welcome to them.

图为铁道部党组成员及部机关全体人员庄严地向国旗行注目礼。MOR Party Group members and the headquarter staffs watching the flag hoisting solemnly.

2005年任国家知识产权局局长、党组书记。Commissioner and Secretary of the Party Group of the State Intellectual Property Office.

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男,汉族。现任中国文联副主席、党组成员、。Male, Han nationality. The present Member of the Secretariat and Vice President of CFLAC.

现任中共商洛市委副书记,市人民政府党组书记、市长。He is currently deputy secretary of Shangluo Municipal Committee, Mayor and Party Secretary.

男,汉族。现任中国文联党组副书记、副主席、书记处书记。Male, Han nationality. The current deputy secretary of Party Group Radio, Vice-Chairman, CPC.

国家测绘局党组书记、局长徐德明出席座谈会并讲话。The State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping party secretary TSUI Tak Ming presided over learning.

2003年3月至2007年8月,谢旭人担任国家税务总局局长、党组书记。From March 2003 to August 2007 he was the Director-General of the State Administration of Taxation.

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集团公司党组书记、总经理李毅中作工作报告。The group makes working report in Li Yi of secretary of company leading Party group, general manager.

霍学文,现任北京市金融工作局党组书记。Mr. Huo serves as Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Financial Work.

任命徐润龙同志为浙江省卫生厅党组成员。Xu Runlong was appointed Member of the Party Leadership Group of the Health Department of Zhejiang province.

他指出,这次科学发展报告会也是党组中心组扩大学习会。He pointed out that the scientific development report will also expand the study will be party central group.

会议由质检总局副局长、党组副书记杨刚主持。The ceremony was presided over by Yang Gang, Vice Minister and Deputy Secretary of Leading Party Group of AQSIQ.

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党组必须服从批准它成立的党组织领导。A leading Party members’ group must accept the leadership of the Party organization that approves its establishment.

中国石油天然气集团公司党组成员、副总经理王福成主持报告会。China National Petroleum Corporation committee member, deputy general manager Wang Fucheng presided over the meeting.

人力资源和社会保障部副部长、党组成员季允石与郑元豹董事长。Vice-Minister of Human Resources and Social Security Ministry and Party member-Ji Yunshi and the Chairman-Zheng Yuanbao.