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我分明嗅到了掩饰的味道!I smell a cover-up!

这分明是个阴谋!It must be a conspiracy.

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因此,利害关系很分明的。So the stakes are very high.

可不知它是如何做到良莠分明的。How does it know one from another?

那分明是一件怪事。It is a queer business, apparently.

当我分明仍旧着吕蓓卡?when I knew you loved Rebecca still?

这个你给我的分明是火柴棒!This here. This is a talking fish bone!

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您费尽心机学人是非分明。You tried to teach me right from wrong.

南充市四季分明,气候适宜。Nanchong favorable climate, the four seasons.

至于左派与右派,在宗教信仰上是否也壁垒分明?Are the left and right so religiously cleaved ?

这个短语代表井然有序,条理分明。It means in perfect order, very well organized.

属于暖温带大陆性气候,一年四季分明。Its climate belongs to the warm temperate zone.

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那座塔轮廓分明地耸立于夜空中。The tower stands clear against the evening sky.

天桂山四季分明,气象万千。Tian Shan four seasons, the Meteorology Series.

全年有三百天阳光的,还是四季分明的?Three hundred days of sunshine, or four seasons?

看他棱角分明的下巴和男子汉的体魄!Look at his sculpted chin and masculine physique!

而盘面,分明就是明修栈道,暗渡陈仓。The disk, clearly is repairing the surreptitious.

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他条理分明地回答了老师的问题。He gave an orderly answer to the teacher's question.

现在是空空洞洞,冷冷清清,分明已经无人居。It was now empty, forlorn, and apparently abandoned.

我们的信条一直是公私分明。Our creed has always been that business is business.