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曾经的我,总是不可一世。Once I always insufferably arrogant.

自我膨胀,龇牙咧嘴,不可一世。Self-expansion, show its teeth, insufferably arrogant.

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这般如此不可一世的爱恋,就如同毒药醉人。How insufferably arrogant for the love affair , like poison.

你始终还是那个偏执的少年,不可一世。You are still paranoid that the juvenile. Insufferably arrogant.

你就是了不起,也不需要那样光芒外露、不可一世。You are great, do not need as light exposure, insufferably arrogant.

我们接连击败了两支曾不可一世的欧洲豪门。We got two very good results against two of the best teams in Europe.

不可一世的瑞典军队最后一次显示出了他们的壮丽风采。The defiant Swedes showed to the last what a magnificent army they were.

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我们和天使是一伙儿的,战胜了不可一世的魑魅魍魉。We were on the side of the angels, and we triumphed against overwhelming odds.

原本在罗国不可一世享尽特权的家族,竟是如此下场。That's how the family that haughtily enjoyed utmost privilege in Romania saw its demise.

美国足球队以2比0击败不可一世的西班牙队,挤身联合会杯决赛。The U. S. soccer team is in the final of the Conderations Cup, beating mighty Spain 2-0.

虽然所有的动物都对它议论纷纷,但是它仍然高昂着头,一副不可一世的样子。Although all animals have been talking about it, but it is still a high head, like an all-powerful.

只有一部分骄横不可一世的少壮军官想要继续打下去,但是就连这些人也不免气馁了。Only the heel-clicking and rabid younger officers wanted to continue, and even they were heartsick.

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这个故事讲的是一个不可一世的辩护律师,他惯于尽量去恐吓对方的人证。This story is told of a browbeating counsel, who habitually endeavored to terrorize his opponent's witnesses.

我看着紫嫣,她此时的样子像是怨恨,又带着不可一世的嚣张。I looking by purple Yan, she the outward at this period is like a grudge, and then take haughty ventilation arbitrary.

他们不再谴责这套体制,而是成为了它的一个组成部分,其中的一些活跃分子甚至在开罗大学附近横冲直撞,不可一世。Instead of denouncing the system, it is becoming part of it — and some of its activists are rampaging around Cairo University.

12月18日恐龙出现了,这些不可一世的庞然大物仅仅在地球上称霸了一个星期。On December 18 the dinosaur appeared, these are insufferably arrogant the colossus has dominated merely on the Earth for one week.

鸟巢里,牙买加人把美国这位不可一世的祖师爷狠狠从讲经坛上扇了下来,并宣布他们才是男子和女子高速赛道上的大佬。Jamaica blasted the US off the podium at Beijing's Bird's Nest stadium and claimed dominance of the high-speed events for men and women.

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而更多的人们则守着他们的电视关注事态发展,看着最初不可一世的印度政府走向忍气吞声。Many more are glued to their TV sets, watching developments as the initially defiant Indian government looks on track to eat humble pie.

这些昔日不起眼的肉类和奶制品企业已经成为不可一世的霸主,能够在巴拉圭的农业和牲畜领域呼风唤雨。What also used to be modest meat and dairy enterprises have grown into formidable agri-businesses dominating Paraguayan livestock farming.

杰西的电邮回复引起了客人们纷纷的抱怨,她先前不可一世的姿态在客人们的脑海中仍历历在目。Jessie's e-mail reply has given rise to a barrage of complaint, with memories of her earlier stuck-up posture still fresh in clients' minds.