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这一小宗日本进口货还真不赖。Not bad for a small Japanese import.

加州小型车买主倾向于买进口货。California small-car buyers tend to buy imports.

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这个商店专售优质进口货。The store speializes in high quality imported item.

国产货正在取代进口货。Home-made goods are edging out imported foreign goods.

把这些进口货与国产货比比看。Contrast these imported goods with the domestic product.

来点开胃酒怎么样?一些香槟酒,鱼子酱?全都是进口货。How about an aperitif? Some champers, caviar? It's all imported.

国货与进口货之间的竞争更加激烈了。Competition between domestics and foreign imports is growing fiercer.

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乌干达就同莱索托就六个月的进口货储备进行着开会讨论。Uganda and Lesotho sit on reserves worth about six months of imports.

现在我们这里有一票进口货,来自NAGOYA,已经到港可以换单了!We've got an imported shipment from NAGOYA, pls prepare receiving doc.

那么哪个行业遭到打击了呢,农业吗?因为进口货更便宜?And now what sectors have been hurt ? agriculture? Becasue of cheaper imports?

一般来讲,你只能在卖法国进口货的商店里找到木铲。You will usually find wooden spatulas only at stores specializing in French imports.

我国纺织公司和钢铁公司一点儿也不担心进口货,因为那时根本就没有什么进口货可言。Our textile and steel companies never worried about imports, as there weren' t any to speak of.

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对于关于输出品的较多资讯,见程序师的引导者的进口货图书馆和输出品文件。For more information on exports, see Import Libraries and Exports Files in the Programmer's Guide.

进口货件截件改派服务费以现金或收件人之出口60帐号结算。Import Shipment Redirection Service Fee will be billed by cash or outbound 60 account of consignee.

中国已经在经济上超过我们。另一边,美国人正在购买那些封印我们命运的进口货。China is taking us down economically, and the American people are buying the imports, which will seal our fate.

她把钱全部花在了进口货上,因为这些绣线绣起来更有光泽,而且不容易起球。She spent all her money on imports, because these embroidery thread embroider up more luster, and not easy pilling.

如果你不能迅速想到美国产品取代进口货的方法,那可能是因为你真的知之甚少。If you can’t think offhand of ways U.S. production might replace imports, that’s probably because you just don’t know enough.

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再加上日新月异的科技变迁、外来移民、以及进口货,使得教育程度低的工作者的日子更难过。On top of this, sweeping technological change, immigration, and imports have made conditions difficult for undereducated workers.

那些的确需要购买进口货的计划在购买行为开始前应该由相关政府部门批准。Projects that really need to buy imports should be approved by the relevant government departments before purchasing activity starts.

在美国历史上相当长的一段时间里,国家是通过对进口货征收关税和征收其他"间接"税的方式,来满足国家的收入需要。For much of its history, the United States met its revenue needs by imposing tariff duties on imports and through other "indirect" taxes.