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而最终宪法保证了军方能在议会中占据四分之一的席次。And finally, the Constitution guarantees the military will occupy 25 percent of the seats in parliament.

国民党也在很多县市里的政务选举里,猛烈地赢得多数席次。The KMT also posted strong showing in the local council elections, winning pluralities of seats in many of them.

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而分析师警告称,民主党的胜利或并没有那麽的压倒性,但许多人确实预计他们会获得多数席次.Analysts caution that the Democrats' victory may be less overwhelming, but many do expect them to win a majority.

尽管党内内斗与奥运后民族主义的上扬,民主党设法在60个席次中赢得21席。Despite party infighting and a surge in post-Olympic nationalism the democrats managed to win 21 out of the 60 seats.

塞尔维亚的国会受到米洛谢维奇民族主义的同盟极大影响,250席中,他们控制了将近一半的席次。Serbia's parliament is heavily influenced by Milosevic's nationalist allies who control nearly half of the 250 seats.

一年前毛派的反叛分子获得大多数的席次,令大多数的外国观察家和尼泊尔的精英分子都觉得震惊。It was a jolt to most foreign observers and the Nepali elite when Maoist insurgents won the most seats in an election a year ago.

众议院去年通过一项压迫性法案,但并未在众议院中通过,当时民主党所掌握的多数席次没有当前多.The House last year passed a cram-down bill but it was defeated in the Senate, which at the time had a narrower Democratic majority.

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其次,政府依持股比率委派的董监事席次比率多寡,对被投资企业之获利能力,亦无显著影响。Second, the numbers of board members appointed by the government is found no vivid impact on the profitability of the SMEs invested by the Investment Account.

政府支持的USDP是唯一有能力角逐所有1163个席次的政党,这一事实是民主党派候选人无法克服的。The government-backed USDP is the only one that's able to contest all 1, 163 seats in the parliament, a fact that can not be overcome by pro-democracy candidates.

民主党人周日为路易斯安那州的周末特别选举而欢呼﹐一名民主党国会候选人赢得了数十年来一直为共和党人持有的席次。Democrats on Sunday cheered a weekend special election in Louisiana, where a Democratic congressional candidate won a seat that has been held by Republicans for decades.

伊朗的革命建国者何梅尼将犹太人视为应当保护的宗教弱势,因而在国会订定保障席次。Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, founder of the Islamic Republic, recognized Jews as a religious minority that should be protected and gave Jews a guaranteed seat in Parliament.

贝鲁斯科尼政府周二在反对派弃权后,赢得一项关键的预算投票.但在630个下院席次中仅获得308票,还需要八票才能构成绝对多数.Berlusconi's government won a key budget vote on Tuesday after the opposition abstained. But it secured only 308 votes in the 630-seat lower house, eight short of a majority.

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西尔弗伯格说,一般说来美国对经过联合国大多数会员同意而扩大安理会席次持开放态度,但认为扩展规模不应过大。Silverberg said the United States is generally open to expanding the Security Council with a broad consensus in the General Assembly, but believes expansion should be modest.

民主党候选人要网罗五十个席次就必须再拿到四个方向未明以及一个共和党的席次,这样一来要是凯瑞与爱德华兹胜出,就能打破反对党过半的僵局。Democratic candidates would have to win all four tossup races and defeat one favored Republican to emerge with 50 seats and a tie that John Edwards could break if he and Kerry win.

但亲商业议员倾向于支持中国的立场,他们能阻挡任何改变现有政府结构的企图,他们保有立法会中的一半席次,代表商业与专业团体。But pro-business members, who tend to support China's stance, could block any attempt to change the current make-up, which reserves half the seats for business and professional groups.

而独立董事所佔之席次比率愈多,愈能发挥监督管理之作用,进而提升公司绩效。As for the more independent directors remain in an objective position by occupying more seats, the better they are at maximizing supervisory function thus enhancing company's performance.

他也坚持,扩大安理会席次应获联合国大会一百九十一个会员国的一致通过,这一标准意味着只要有任何一国反对,想要成为安理会新成员的国家就会失去机会。Wang also insisted it is "essential" that an agreement on enlarging the council be reached by a unanimous vote in the 191-member General Assembly, a standard that would permit a single U.

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透过统计模型的分析,本文更进一步发现除了选民政党认同会影响选票基础外,区域席次改采单一选区多数决后,制度的结构诱因确实发挥了预期效果。The statistical result shows that, after adopting the Mixed-Member Majoritarian System in the district Representatives, the dominant parties took the advantage by attracting more votes than before.

若共和党在众议院取得的席次超越预期,且共和党赢得参议院选战,将会提振股市.而部分人士认为,共和党若未能取得众议院多数席次,则会带来冲击.A stronger-than-expected Republican showing in the House and a Republican coup in the Senate could be a boost for the stock market. To be sure, some would view the failure to take the House as a blow.