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几条小黄鱼在水中调皮地游动。Can the fish swim? Yes, she can.

不,大鲸鱼将在我体内游动。No, huge whales will swim in me.

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游牧区多为游动式。For more nomadic area of swimming.

事实上,金枪鱼必须靠游动才能呼吸。In fact, tunas must swim to breathe.

黄鱼沿着海岸成群地游动。The croakers schooled along the coast.

因为有你…地球鱼才可以自由游动。Because of you, the fish can swim free.

颗粒在床层中到处游动。Particles wander everywhere in the bed.

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蒙古包分固定式和游动式两种。Sub-fixed and nomadic yurt-style two kinds.

指着河里游动着的一条鳟鱼。He pointed to a trout wavering in midstream.

这样可以把附近游动的鱼击昏。This stuns the fish that are swimming nearby.

我们知道它们在海洋中游动。We know they were around swimming in the ocean.

经常伴随鲨鱼和蝠鲼游动的远洋小鱼。Small pelagic fish often accompanying sharks or mantas.

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臀部与游动的方向成一条直线。And they are in line with the direction that he is going.

一类随机环境中半直线上的可逗留随机游动。Class of Random Walks on Half-line in Random Environments.

长高的野草在寒风中象鳗鲡似的蠕蠕游动。The tall grasses undulated like eels under the north wind.

当它游泳时,会沿着珊瑚礁边缘笨拙地游动。When it swims, it bumbles slowly along the side of a reef.

在当风的窗口,孀妇发现有条盲眼蛇在游动。At the windy window, the widow finds a blind snake winding.

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阳光在我背上游动,我的心是否已得解放?With the sunshine on my back, would my heart be unchained ?

由游动孢子囊产生的无性可自由运动的孢子。Zoospore An asexual motile spore produced by a zoosporangium.

另一种叫康纳索加小口猪吻鲈的镖鲈在钻石镖鲈住的附近一个水槽中游动。Another darter, theConasauga logperch, swims in a tank nearby.