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作为他们的供应商名册。UNGM as their supplier roster.

你们的登记名册上共有多少人?How many names are there on your books?

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用人单位应当建立职工名册备查。It shall set up a roll of workers for reference.

翻查预登记名册,没有国内用户列表。From Conference pre-Registration list, none from China.

约翰认为他们没有一个充足的铺地石名册。John doesn't think they have a deep enough pitching roster.

战斗结束,缅军步21营仅留下名册,已无士兵。Burma Army's IB 21 remains just the name with no soldiers, La Nan added.

我核查农场的人总共多少号,在棕榈树下按名册叫。Checking the sum of people on the farm I called the roll under the palm.

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他翻阅着一大本黑色名册,找乔达虚这个姓。He thumbed through a big, black book, full of names, hunting for Jordache.

墨水瓶转过名册,用点细沙拂过。Inkpots turned the book around and dusted the page with a bit of fine sand.

一场盛大的集体婚礼上,一位客人在细读的厚厚的新人名册,有47对夫妇。A guest at a mass wedding peruses the thick program, which lists 47 couples.

如今,中国富人半开玩笑地称这个名次是“死亡名册”。China's affluent now sometimes half-jokingly call the ranking the Death List.

它是希特勒的本质,而且它已经被载入了历史的黑名册。It was his essence, and so it has been relegated tothe black book of history.

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政府接受了反对党提出的新的选民名册。The government accepted the opposition's demand for a new electoral register.

天文泡沫续订提供名册,床单或可转换成袋。Astro- Foam Renew is available in rolls, sheets or can be converted into pouches.

您可以扩展每个球队并可以在球队名册中看到相应的球员。You can expand each team and see the corresponding players on the teams' rosters.

第二十条劳动争议仲裁委员会应当设仲裁员名册。Article 20 A labor dispute arbitration commission shall have a roster of arbitrators.

三公司章程、股东名册及其持有股数。Articles of incorporation and roster of shareholders and their respective shareholdings.

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第三,如果都做的合适你习惯需要编辑列入名册的脸相匹配。Third, if all is done right you wont need the roster editor included to match the faces.

我们为香港实验所认可名册内指定的「认可测试项目」之实验室。Our laboratory is accredited by HKAS for specific tests as listed in the HOKLAS Directory.

法兰西学院任人把院士拿破仑·波拿巴从它的名册上除名。The Institute had the academician , Napoleon Bonaparte, stricken from its list of members.