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不许背靠神位而坐。Twelve, and sit back to the god.

神位忌安置在道的上方。Bogey tablets placed in the top of Road.

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但他却在自己的新神位上坐立难安。But, he did not sit easily on his new throne.

旧时,差不多家家灶间都设有“灶王爷”神位。Formerly, almost every family kitchen with" Kitchen God" god.

接着,受造之物被扎根在三一神位格互相内住的爱里。Creation is then rooted in the mutual love of the persons of the Triune God.

壮族妇女一生下孩子,就开始敬花王神位以祈求保护孩子。As soon as the Zhuang woman has a child, she begin to worship the Flower Lady to protect her child.

北京兄弟搬家公司小编文章解读了搬家搬神位有什么讲究,希望对您有帮助。Beijing Brothers moving company moving small article explains what about God, I hope for your help.

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现在为了家里能够变得更加顺利,很多人都会在家里信奉一些神位,来保佑家里人,给家里带来更好的发展。Now in order to home can become more smooth, a lot of people will be at home in some tablets, to bless the family, to bring better development to home.

到这一天,村民们摇船至运河塘岸,先将带来的猪鸡鱼等在蚕花娘娘神位前祭招,然后参加比赛。To this day, the villagers Yaochuan to the canal pond shore, fish, pig and chicken first brought to spend the empress in the silkworm tablet strokes before the festival, and then race.

祭山会围绕天神塔进行祭祀活动,天神塔高约3-4米,状如锥形,顶端有一块较大的白石,周围放数块小白石,以象征其民族信仰的各个神位。The ceremony is turning round the God Tower, about 3-4 meters high, like a cone, with a huge white stone at the top , surrounded by small ones, which is the symbol of the nation's faith.