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我们约定好了是在5点钟。We stipulated at 5 o'clock.

这是一个公共约定。This is a common convention.

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我们约定6点整,好吗?。Shall we say 6 o'clock sharp?

你的命名约定是什么?What is your naming convention?

你说过牵了手就是约定。You hold hands is agreed. Said.

我为孩子们约定集体玩耍日。I set up playdates for our kids.

这是关于我们的约定你还记…Do you remember our agreement? TFZ.

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合同需要约定些什么呢It specifies--what does it specify?

整个事情的关键是一份怀孕约定书。At the heart of it, a pregnancy pact.

她和牙医师的约定告吹了。Her dentist appointment fell through.

我约定四点要烫头发。I made an appointment for a perm at 00.

你们已经在我们约定的地方了?You're in the place we discussed?- Yes.

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我们应照约定进行计划吗?Shall we proceed with the plan as agreed?

甲、乙双方如有特殊约定将在下列另行规定。Other special terms will be listed bellow.

我们约定下周共进午餐。We decided to do lunch the following week.

所有命令应该遵守此约定。All commands should follow this convention.

他与她约定,他必须离去。He articled withher that he should go away.

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我们和医生约定明天去打预防针。We shot the doctor agreed to play tomorrow.

进士我说,你是不可能在约定时间做好的。I don't think u can make it in time, I said.

到了约定的那天晚上,来了一大群人。On the appointed night a big crowd showed up.