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这只是笼统地说,So it's just generally,

他的话说得很笼统。He spoke in very general terms.

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避免含糊的和笼统的支出。Avoid ambiguous or general expenses.

我有两个问题,一个略为笼统些。I had two questions, one more general.

专用地图是一个比较笼统的术语。His description was too general to be of much use.

这是个具体问题,不要笼统回答。It's a specific question. Don't answer it at large.

上级的衡量往往是平均而笼统的。The superior's measurments are often equally vague.

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非常笼统的条件-“如果你们遵守我的规定It's a very general condition--"If you obey my laws."

非常笼统的条件-“如果你们遵守我的规定“It's a very general condition--"If you obey my laws."

在2010年,笼统的关注和规劝是不够的。In 2010, generalized concerns and exhortations will not suffice.

文章的内容很笼统,你想写些什么就可以写些什么。It's just a general essay about anything you want to write about.

所以你也可以笼统地说他代替你剪了头发。So you might say,in some loose sense they've gotten your haircut.

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活跃起来做点什么可以是个很笼统的信息。What you end up promoting is a very general message to be active.

它是一种笼统的时间概念,而且可能永远都不会出现。It’s a foggy generalization of a time that will likely never come.

我的手脚给束缚住了。我既不能具体地谈,也不能笼统地说。My hands were tied. I could not talk in specifics or generalities.

你能用”钱“作为单独单词表述,可是过于笼统。You can put Money as a one-word description, but it is too general.

GATS中关于环境保护的条款过于笼统。In GATS, the article related to environmental protection is too vague.

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由于我不了解细节,我只能笼统地谈一下。Since I do not know the details, I can only generalize about the matter.

木雕笼统分为立体圆雕、根雕、浮雕三大类。Generally divided into solid wood sculpture, carving, relief three class.

速度的进程被笼统成渐增的、永无尽头的轨迹。The process of speed is subjectiveed increasing the endless trajectories.