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无论籼粳稻,色稻品种出糙率比对照品种低。Compared with the general rice, the roughness ratio of colored rice were much lower.

引导农民扩大粳稻、玉米、杂粮等农作物生产。Guide farmers to expand rice and corn production as well as to increase grain variety.

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绝大多数粳稻品种的米粒属短、粗类型。For japonica rice, the grains of most varieties were short and coarse in length and shape.

用卷叶突变体与粳稻中花11杂交,获得杂交F1群体以及自交F2群体。The mutant was crossed with japonica cultivar Zhonghua 11 to establish F1 and F2 populations.

本文介绍了北方粳稻分子育种课题的研究情况和所取得的研究成果。The history and achievements of the molecular breeding for northern japonica rice were re-viewed.

研究了寒地早粳稻裂颖性状对稻米品质的影响。The effect of glume-opening character on rice quality of early Japonica in cold region was studied.

利用粳稻品种探讨了钙增效剂对稻米中钙及铜、锰、镁、铁、锌积累和品质的影响。Ca potentiators effect of Ca, Cu, Mn, Mg, Fe and Zn contents and quality in japonica rice were studied.

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这些发现表明抗白背飞虱基因在中国存在于同一生态区的粳稻地方品种中。This finding indicated that WBPH resistance genes were retained in sympatric japonica landraces in China.

关于水稻品质性状的研究在我国对籼稻研究比较深入,对粳稻研究报道较少。There are many reports on the research of quality traits in Indica rice but relatively few in Japonica rice.

从BT型粳稻恢复系中可以筛选到HL型或CL型粳稻不育系的恢复系。And japonica restorers for HL or CL CMS lines could be selected from the japonica restorers for BT CMS lines.

研究人员发现,籼稻和粳稻彼此的相同点多于它们各自与野生水稻的相似处。The researchers found indica and japonica have more in common with each other than either has with wild rice.

研究表明粳稻和籼稻大约在3900年前才由同一种水稻分化成两种不同的亚种。The study indicates that the japonica and indica sub-species split apart from each other about 3, 900 years ago.

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我国粳稻产业发展迅速的原因之一是其具有较高的比较效益。One of the reasons for the fast development of japonica rice industry in China is its higher comparative benefit.

这一同源模型说明籼稻和粳稻是由同一种普通野生稻驯化而来的。The single-origin model suggests that indica and japonica were both domesticated from the wild rice O. rufipogon.

除生育前期外,籼稻根系吸收面积均大于粳稻根系吸收面积,籼粳稻比表面积比较接近。Except the early growing period, absorbing area of root of indica rice is always bigger than that of japonica rice.

促使水稻新品种产量增长的关键因素是增加了杂交粳稻和理想株型品种的每穗成粒数。The key factor to increase the yield was ripened grains per panicle of new hybrid rice and varieties with idea type.

籼梗杂种花药培养是一种改良和培育粳稻恢复系快速、有效的途径。The anther culture of indica-sinica hybrids is a rapid and effective way to improve and develop sinica restorer lines.

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粳稻中有加工假基因17629个,而非加工假基因为41875个。There are 17629 processed pseudogenes and 41875 unprocessed pseudogenes in Japonica. rice. The alike number in Indica.

在地域上,北方稻区杂交粳稻的垩白粒率、垩白度的平均值低于南方稻区杂交粳稻。Compared with the japonica hybrids from south China, those from north China showed a lower average value of CGP and CD.

适合于中国吉林、辽宁省、内蒙、新疆等北方一季粳稻区种植。The variety suites to China's Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and other northern japonica rice planting areas.