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他潜水采了珍珠。He dived for pearls.

那潜水镜上究竟说什么?What did the mask say?

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潜水者和蓝鳍金枪鱼。Diver and Bluefin tuna.

鸟浅潜水面捕鱼。The bird dapped for the fish.

采珠者潜水寻觅珍珠。Pearl-fishers dive for pearls.

当时的潜水夫病。Then there was caisson disease.

将潜水者带往潜水处的小船。Boat taking divers to dive site.

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珮姬很喜欢在夏天潜水。Peggy loves to dive in the summer.

潜水搅拌机,曝气器等。And submersible mixer, aerator etc.

潜水手表适用于混合气体潜水。Diver's watches for mixed-gas diving.

潜水只有我们成功的时候才安全。Diving is only as safe as we make it.

西恩还违反了他自己的潜水计划。Sean also violated his own dive plan.

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温热的泪水模糊了他冰冷的潜水镜。Warm tears misted his cold dive mask.

你是在那学会戴水肺潜水的?。A. Where did you learn to scuba dive ?

至多每年还有一次潜水鸟要来。At most, it tolerates one annual loon.

亲爱的朋友们,今天,你潜水了么?My dear friends, have you lurked today?

什麽原因让我在潜水的时候想要尿尿呢?What Makes Me Want to Pee While Diving?

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他是经过严格训练的EMT救护专家并得到了国际潜水认证。He is a trained EMT and scuba certified.

警方的潜水夫在搜索河底。Police divers are searching the river bed.

在黛西潜水点拍到的热带鱼和珊瑚。Tropical fish and coral, Daisy's Drop-off.