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穿过无声无息的雾气。Through the pulseless haze.

门几乎无声无息的滑开。The door slid open almost noiselessly.

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她怎么可以无声无息的,就在这个城市消失?How can she disappear without any message?

我觉得这场雨会无声无息地下个不停。I felt that it would rain forever , noiselessly.

他移居阿根廷,无声无息地过活。He moved to Argentina where he lived in obscurity.

它无声无息地向那斜倚着的女人走去。It glided noiselessly towards the recumbent woman.

那是辛多雷消逝的生命无声无息的呐喊!That is the life of Blood Elves disappear silent cry!

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时间继续无声无息得流过,现实问题开始崭露头角。As more time passes real world problems begin to surface.

然后,我们从马车里出来,开始无声无息地沿着那条小道朝那栋房子走去。He went to a hut beside the house, and unlocked the door.

它走上前来,无声无息偷偷摸摸地摸到了床头。On it came-on, silently and stealthily, to the bed's head.

他最后无声无息地死在了烟囱底部。Met a rather unceremonious end at the bottom of a smoke stack.

你无声无息,涌入了我心底。Your soundless and stirless, poured into the bottom of my heart.

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爱,无声无息的驻进,划落了纯真的笑颜。Love, soundless and stirless in falling into, the innocent smile.

能笑到快要断气的人自然也可以哭得无声无息。Can laugh about people who breathe naturally also be crying quietly.

这个无声无息的房客便是冉阿让,年轻姑娘便是珂赛特。This unobtrusive tenant was Jean Valjean, the young girl was Cosette.

暮色四合,天暗黑,我也曾遇过她无声无息的身影。When it gets dark in the evening, I have also seen her there quietly.

我从未放弃过爱你,只是浓烈变成无声无息。I never give up loving you just become strong, soundless and stir less.

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有时会导致在怀孕期间无声无息的早期流产。This can sometimes lead to a silent miscarriage early in the pregnancy.

玲珑转,玲珑转,我的心肝,千刀万割,无声无息!Without reason, my heart and liver, thousand knives ten thousand shear, silent!

然后,我们从马车里出来,开始无声无息地沿着那条小道朝那栋房子走去。Then we got out and began to walk very quietly along the path towards the house.