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德雷克追逐著童年的兴趣,进入康奈尔大学和哈佛大学学习无线电航太学。Drake pursued his boyhood interest and studied radio astronomy at cornell and harvard.

和前代相比,宋代的太学教育制度有了很大的创新。Compared with previous ones, the education system of Song Dynasty is a great innovation.

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元祐初游太学,筑堂讲业,名曰抱瓮。Early tour Yuanyou Imperial College, say industry court building, it is called hold urns.

那日左伊打包了许多甜点回太学,胖子吃到肚子疼才罢休。That day left Yi pack many dessert periods study too much, the fatty eats bitter navel just give up.

随着汉代政治模式在汉末的消亡,太学制度已名存实亡。As the Han Dynasty Han Dynasty's demise of the political model, Imperial College system in name only.

太学对汉代的政治统治和文化发展起了重大作用。Taixue was very important to the political control and the development of culture in the Han Dynasty.

皇权及大族权力的增强决定了太学势必衰落的命运。Han imperial power and the enhanced powers of the decision of the Imperial College is bound to decline.

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曹魏时代留给太学群体的空间只是政治体制边缘的狭小空间。Wei era of space left to Imperial College community only the narrow edge of the political system space.

孔子“施及有政是亦为政”的理念在两汉太学得以实现。Confucius "facilities and there is also a political government" is a reality in the Han Imperial College.

太学的发展,使京师洛阳形成了浓厚的经学文化氛围。The development of the university made Luoyang form the strong atmosphere of study of Confucian Classics.

中国古代尽管有太学这样的高等教育机构,但与欧洲中世纪大学不可同日而语。While in ancient China Taixue existed, compared with universities in the Middle Ages, the distance is large.

同时,太学还承担着国家机体的多项重大典制礼仪功能。Meanwhile, Imperial College also undertakes a number of major national code system for the body ritual function.

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同时,也注重对太学教师的选拔和任用,优胜劣汰。At the same time, it also laid emphasis on the selection and appointment of teachers that is done through competition.

可以用“上承太学正统,下立大学祖庭”来评价北大的历史地位。Can be used "for the Imperial College orthodox, under the University Zuting" to evaluate the North's historical status.

哦,我的卧室是太学漂亮了,我非常喜欢它,你喜欢我的卧室吗,请你能告诉我你的卧室吗?Oh , My bedroom is too beautiful. I like it very much. Do you like my bedroom?Can you tell me about your beroom , please.

最后本文通过历史尺度的测量,认为太学的衰落是历史的必然之势。Finally, through the historical scale of measurement, that the Imperial College of decline is the inevitable trend of history.

在两汉社会中太学的政治功能显著,这项机能也是其在两汉社会中有着旺盛生命力的根本。Imperial College in the Han society had a significant political function, this function also in Han society has full vitality.

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王充在受到太学拘守固蔽学风影响的情形下,展开了对于知识分子的思考与批判。Wang Chung launch out his consideration and criticism for the intelligentsia under the influence been too learned conservative atmosphere of school.

宋朝太学教育历经二百多年,期间的教育管理方法较之前代各朝都有了很大的发展。The imperial college education in Song Dynasty underwent zoo years, during which the education management developed better than in previous dynasties.

汉武帝罢黜百家,独尊儒术后,不仅创建太学,而且也确立了汉代的选举制度。After rejecting all kinds of theoretical schools but Confucius, The emperor Han Wudi did not only found Taixue, but also establish election system of Han dynasty.