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在凉爽的天气里轻松地散步令人心旷神怡。A brisk walk in cool weather is invigorating.

日出的美景真令人心旷神怡。The beauty of the sunrise is really breathtaking.

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花园里的花香味扑鼻令人心旷神怡。The flowers in the garden give out pleasant smell.

这支歌的乐曲使她心旷神怡。The music of this song sent her carefree and joyous.

迷人的、醉入的以及令人心旷神怡的都基于它。Charming, entrancing and enchanting are all based on it.

处在春季盎然的环境中,我倍感心旷神怡。In spring abundant environment, I feel relaxed and happy.

这一切足以让游客心旷神怡、留连忘返。All this delightful enough for tourists, Liu Lian in time.

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你喜欢宾。克罗斯比唱的歌吗?他的作品令人心旷神怡。Do you like the songs by Bing Crosby ? His music is soothing.

经过风尘仆仆的跋涉之后,看到湖水真让人感到心旷神怡。After our long, dusty hike, the lake was a sight for sore eyes.

这款苏维翁干白具有清澈亮丽的色泽,晶莹剔透,给人以心旷神怡的感觉。It has a vibrant and clean color which gives you a nice feeling.

漫长的一天过后这两种花草的混合香气总让我心旷神怡。A fragrant mixture that always calmed me at the end of a long day.

嘉莉悦耳的大提琴演奏总让我心旷神怡。The euphonious sound of Carrie's cello playing always puts me at ease.

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一阵微风吹来,一股浓浓的香味扑鼻而来,沁人心脾令人心旷神怡。A breeze is blowing, and a thick fragrance, refreshing is invigorating.

刚进莲花池公园,令人心旷神怡的清新香气就扑面而来。When you enter Lotus Pond Park, you will feel the fresh air immediately.

学校有着新鲜的空气,大片的绿化,使人心旷神怡。The fresh air and the lare green in my school makes us relaxed and happy.

更叫人心旷神怡的是那清新的空气,哦,大山氧吧,如此的慷慨!A very delightful is that fresh air, oh, big mountain Yangba, so generous!

洗浴后皮肤油腻,浑身舒畅,气血通顺,心旷神怡。Oily skin after bathing, every mind and the body fluent in its landscaping.

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还有什么比清早的一杯咖啡更让人心旷神怡?What can be better than a nice cup of coffee in the very beginning of a day?

墙壁上美轮美奂的画让您仿佛置身于丛林,心旷神怡。Imagine you're surrounded by the beautiful forest in the painting on the wall.

工作之余,坐在整洁的房间里听轻音乐,真令人心旷神怡啊!Eg How relaxing it is to listen to light music in a tidy room after a day's work!