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国际产业资本流动已成为世界经济中一个引人注目的现象。International industrial capital has been a noticeable phenomenon of the world economy.

产业资本存量结构是区域产业结构系统的直接体现。The structure of industry capital stocks is the refection of regional industry structure.

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第五,投资产业,将部分商业资本转化为产业资本。Fifthly, Investment industrypartially transferred merchant capital into industrial capital.

第一,产业资本流向大企业,行业两极分化情况进一步加剧。First, industry capital flow to large enterprises, industry polarization further aggravated the situation.

主要供应和管理KDB产业资本以帮助开发韩国产业与国民经济的发展。KDB supplies and manages major industrial capital to help develop Korean industries and the national economy.

市场经济条件下,一个产业的崛起必然要借助于大的产业资本的运作才能得以实现。In the condition of market economy, the growing up of an industry can only be realized by the means of big industrial capital.

在全球经济一体化的背景下,产业资本的跨国流动呈现日益加速的趋势。With the integration of global economy, the transnational flows of industry capital take on an increasingly accelerating trend.

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伯恩斯坦研究所的布拉德。欣茨指出,如此非流动的投资所持有的产业资本份额正在飞速增长。Brad Hintz of Bernstein Research notes that the share of the industry's capital held in such illiquid investments is growing very fast.

于是,产业资本与金融资本相结合,必将是中国市场经济发展的必然趋势。Hence the combination of production capital and finance capital will become the new trend of the development of the marketing economy in China.

同样,商业资本—生息资本接在产业资本之后放在第三卷的第四、第五篇,也反映了从属和继起的两重关系。So is the case with commercial capital and interest-bearing capital, which are put after the industry capital in part four and five in Volume III.

本文从中国传媒产业资本多元聚合发展史出发,对中国传媒业资本多元聚合发展战略的现状和发展趋势进行检视。The paper was get going from the history of capital polymeric development in Chinese media industry. It reviewed the status quo and the trend of development.

关于前者,例如地租、商业资本、借贷资本等,在现代史系统中成了从属产业资本的东西。The former, for instance categories such as ground rent, commercial capital, loan capital etc. become subordinate to industry capital in the modern history system.

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在国际产业分工更加深化的条件下,国际产业资本将向具有制造业比较优势的国家和地区集聚。With the deepening of international division, international industrial capital will concentrate in the area that has the comparative advantage in manufacturing industry.

也就是说,劳动创造的剩余价值不再由产业资本独占,而是由参加资本循环过程的各种资本共同瓜分。In other words, the surplus value is no longer owned by industrial capital alone, but shared by various types of capital which are involved in the circulation of capital.

当前,国际产业资本加速向中国转移,同时“刘易斯拐点”在中国出现已经广受认可。At present, international industrial capital has accelerated its transferring to China, and at the same time, it is accepted that Lewis turning point has appeared in China.

在资本主义社会,劳动者所创造的剩余价值,不仅仅由产业资本所独占,还有商业资本、银行资本、高利贷资本也要参与瓜分。In capitalist society, not only industrial capital owns the surplus value the laborers produce, commercial capital, bank capital and usurer's capital also have their share in it.

而金融资本发展到一定阶段时,也必须要寻找产业资本的支持,以此作为金融产业发展的物质基础。On the other hand, when finance capital develops to a certain stage, it also seeks the support from production capital as the foundation for the development of finance production.

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原来以金融资本为主导的中国资本市场的估值体系将发生重大的变革,产业资本在未来将会有更大的话语权。China's capital market valuation system, which was originally led by financial capital, will have huge changes. The industrial capital will play a greater role in the coming years.

在这些现实和数据面前,房地产似乎已经成为各路企业的一个“掘金库”,产业资本向房地产业的流动显得异常活跃。In the face of these realities and data, the real estate business seems to have become much a " braving the" industrial capital flows to the real estate industry is extremely active.

在近代日本赖以创汇的产业中,制丝业一直独占鳌头,对日本的资本原始积累和产业资本的形成、发展起过重大作用。Silk industry dominated the export oriented industries in modern Japan, and contributed to the primitive accumulation of capital and the formation and increase of industrial capital.