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你从来都不动脑筋思考的吗?Don't you ever think at all?

整天做这种不用动脑筋的工作,会让我发疯的。Do the without thinking job will make me crazy.

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在测验之前你该动动脑筋。You should limber up your wits before the test.

他们很少为吃力不讨好的工作动脑筋。They seldom labour their wits on thankless task.

有没有人想回答一下,动动脑筋Anybody? Cold call somebody? Athletic day for you.

整天做这种不用动脑筋的工作,会让我发疯的。I will be crazy by doing such non-brain using work.

所以在解决紧急问题时动动脑筋。Solve your urgent problems with a little creativity.

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他们不需要怎么动脑筋,就可以在专业上得到4.0的绩点。They don't need that part of the brain to get a 4.0 in major.

第二个教训是不要不动脑筋地急于抓住蝇头小利。The second was not to rush unthinkingly to grab a small profit.

他们在一些几乎不可能完成的议题上大动脑筋,像是预算、医改。They take on impossible issues, like budget-balancing and health care reform.

普吕戎,正因为他爱动脑筋,才带着一根绳子走出了刑房。So Brujon meditated, and he emerged from the chamber of punishment with a rope.

在这种不成文法底下,人们就不愿意去动脑筋了。Under those unwritten laws, people were naturally reluctant to use their brains.

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如果你在每日坚持习惯上面临小小的障碍,那么动动脑筋。If you encounter little roadblocks to your daily practice, then engage your brain.

或许拍了许多出色电影,他想用一套不需动脑筋的喜剧放松一下吧。Maybe after so many great films he simply wanted to relax with a dumb genre comedy.

只要动动脑筋,你会发现男人的用处真多,你怎么舍得离开他?Use your brains , you will find men have so much usage, how can you shuffle off him?

只要肯动脑筋想办法,可怕的狼,也可以打败哦!As long as you try your best to find out the solution, you can defeat the direst wolf.

在这一点上,我们可以动动脑筋,观察一下寄存器作为临时变量的使用。At this point we could be smart and take a look at the use of registers as temporaries.

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当然,安德森的猴子们纯粹是不动脑筋地毫无章法地敲着键盘。Of course, Anderson's monkeys aren't exercising any discretion as they pound the keyboard.

优秀的程序员动脑筋以防顾此失彼,而优秀的指南让我们不必面面俱到。Good programmers use their brains, but good guidelines save us having to think out every case.

研究表明,如果你交替进行动脑筋和不动脑筋的工作,你将会工作得更有效率。Research shows that you’ll be more productive if you alternate between mindful and mindless work.