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法师,人们称他作魔手—修。He is known as Hugh the Hand, Magicka.

来吧,魔手-修不可能是你的真名。Come, Hugh the Hand can't be your real name.

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Google的魔手并不仅仅局限在你的电子邮件上。Google's fingerprints aren't just on your e-mail.

他把魔手修推向前,让他站在断头台前面。He shoved the Hand around to stand in front of the block.

它们的树枝像魔手,要明白,它们是虚构的and their branches to hands, they\'re not real, understand

盖利斯咳嗽了一下,清了清喉咙,瞥了魔手一眼。GARETH coughed, cleared his throat, and cast the Hand a sidelong glance.

“魔手-修,”巫师严厉的高声说道,“我再给你一次机会。"Hugh the Hand, " said Magicka in a loud, stern voice, "I give you one more chance.

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尽管有了最新的研究成果,威尔斯并不知道是什么魔手在主导这一切。And despite the newfound numbers, Wells doesn't know what sort of lunacy is at play.

心上人不给我打电话,电话成了她魔手中的一件刑具。The telephone becomes an instrument of torture in the demonic hands of a beloved who doesn't ring.

盖利斯举起拳头,正要惩罚魔手出言不逊,眼角瞥了一下巫师脸面的表情,不由犹豫起来。GARETH raised his fist, intending to punish the Hand for his speech. A glimpse of the wizard's face caused him to hesitate.

魔界的守卫将从人间界来的人类的特征,巨细靡遗地在阎魔手册记下来。The guardian of devildom takes down the detailed features of each human beings that comes up from the earth on his blacklist.

盖利斯抓住魔手修的手臂,拖着他离开巫师的面前,把他带到断头台几步之遥的地方。GARETH grabbed the Hand by the arms and, dragging him out of the wizard's presence, led the prisoner the few steps to the block.

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哈利•波特,唯一一个不仅从有史以来最黑暗的巫师伏地魔手中逃脱,而且还打败了他的人!Harry Potter, the only person who had not only survived from Voldemort, the darkest wizard during the past, but also defeated him!

然而,仅仅是信念,对科学研究并无帮助。尽管有了最新的研究成果,威尔斯并不知道是什么魔手在主导这一切。Belief does not make for good science, however. And despite the newfound numbers, Wells doesn't know what sort of lunacy is at play.