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在中国,典型的喜剧形式是相声表演。Typical for China is the crosstalk show.

观众被相声逗乐了。The audience was amused by the cross-talk.

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你喜欢马三立的相声吗?。You love Horse three stand's photo voice ?

小品和相声,你更喜欢哪一个?Which one do you prefer, witty skits or crosstalk?

他不仅佩服侯先生表演相声的技能,而且还佩服他的人品。He admires not only Hou's skill, but also his character.

我学到的相声,从周先生山为三年。I learned crosstalk from Mr. Zhou Deshan for three years.

相声,我觉得,既有趣又能教育人。The cross-talk, I think, was both interesting and instructive.

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非常感谢您扎克说相声的完全让我用他的歌。A big thank you to Zak Laughed for totally letting me use his song.

相声演员郭德纲也在片中客串了一个片段。Crosstalk comedian Guo Degang makes a cameo appearance in the movie.

节日晚会上丰富的歌唱、小品和相声表演精彩纷呈。The gala highlights a variety of songs, comedy skits and cross talks.

但是现今状况看来,说相声的只为钱在说相声。But today, those performing cross talk are just doing it for the money.

这是郭德纲在茶馆里演相声的开场白,然后他就会被奉上如雷的掌声。Guo began one show in a teahouse, followed by a hearty round of applause.

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联欢会上,我们班的几个男生说了一段群口相声。At the get-together, several boys in our class performed a group crosstalk.

相声表演有两个喜剧演员参与,他们开很多玩笑,有许多有趣的对话。A crosstalk show has two speakers making many jokes and funny conversations.

相声演员往往在正式表演之前要说些垫话。Comic dialogue actors often speak some opening remarks before a performance.

郭德纲也表示,“各干各的吧,都是为相声事业做贡献”。Guo Degang said, "Let's all do is to contribute to the cause of crosstalk ."

他们的幽默的相声为新年庆典增添了不少趣味。Their humorous crosstalk was a great complement to the New Year Celebration.

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第四,常看令你捧腹大笑的喜剧、小品或者相声。Fourthly, you should see some interesting comedy, opusculum or comic dialogue.

在整个相声的发展历史当中,表演者多数出身卑微。Throughout cross talk’s history, performers have come from humble backgrounds.

因此,火辣辣的湖南就孕育出了一对相声界的笑匠——奇志大兵。Therefore, the hot Hunan's land gestated two comic performers-Qizhi and Dabing.