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到达了终点线。At the finish line.

上校到达舰桥!Captain on the bridge!

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我们刚到达城镇。We just lobbed in town.

造呢,是指到达。"Zao" means "to reach".

到达了它的成年期。It has reached adulthood.

我们将无法准时到达。We won't make it in time.

什么时候到达佩思?When do you get to Perth?

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我何时才能到达谷顶?And when would I reach it?

现在到达航道。Come up the localizer now.

他随时都可能到达。He may arrive any instant.

我必须在今天之内到达。I have to go within today.

此刻我们到达鼓浪屿。Now we arrived the island.

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飞机正点到达。The plane arrived on time.

火车及时到达了。The train arrived betimes.

我们乘坐长途车能到达那里。We can get there by coach.

你必须按时到达那里。You must be there on time.

你务必要按时到达那里。You must be there on time.

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到达金钟站。Arriving admiralty station.

他将于今天傍晚到达。He's arriving this evening.

我的行李尚未到达。My baggage hasn't ar rived.