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那老头一定是个犹太人。The old cove must be a Jew.

他已是一位白发苍苍的老头。He was a grey-haired old man.

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老头大口地抽烟斗。The old man dragged on a pipe.

这怏怏不乐的船中老头。The unhappy old man in a boat.

一个老头向我讨钱。An old man mooched money off me.

老头有去打酱油去了。The old man has go making sauce.

他是一位白发苍苍的瘦老头。He is a grey-haired thin old man.

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那老头粗声粗气地发出警告。The old man rasped out a warning.

那老头苍白的脸冰凉。The old man's waxen face was cold.

一群老头色迷迷的看着她,让她觉得很恶心。She was sick of old men leering at her.

那老头是他未来的岳父。That old man is his father-in-law to-be.

那老头调唆他去偷那辆自行车。The old man dared him to steal the bike.

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那位可怜的老头开始变得衰弱颤抖了。The poor old man is beginning to dodder.

好了,你这是在玩文字游戏,老头。Now, you are playing with words, old man.

老头拖着疲惫而又沉重的步子沿公路走着。The old man plods wearily along the road.

了。杰老头抱着木头高高兴兴地回家去。Geppetto took the wood and went home happily.

办公室里没人能摸透那老头的脾气。No one in the office can work the old man out.

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阿谁老头老是滔滔一直,说个不竭,烦死人。That old man is a chatterbox. What a nuisance!

外面没别的人,就只有一个拄着拐棍的乡下老头。Nobody out there but some old gaffer with a cane.

仙女拿起了魔杖,"砰"的一声,他变成了90岁的老头。The fairy picked up her wand, and Boom! He was 90.