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亮闪闪的铜壶,手套毛绒绒。Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.

那把已经废弃的铜壶上长满了铜锈。Verdigris has spread all over that abandoned copper pot.

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咖啡会从铜壶细细的嘴里由高到低填满杯子。Coffee can from plates thin mouth from high to low fill the cup.

铜壶漏报天将晓,惆怅佳期又一年。Copper pot omitted days will dawn, melancholy wedding day after year.

我还拿了两把小铜壶,一只煮巧克力的铜锅和一把烤东西用的铁钯。As also two little brass kettles, a copper pot to make chocolate, and a gridiron.

永昌年间铜壶一把,在老家看到时已经不完整,无盖。Yongchang years, a copper pot, when in the home that has been incomplete, no cover.

九妹见大妹去报告母亲,又用滚烫的铜壶把“四喜”烫成了古铜色。Nine younger sister mother see big sister to report, and hot plates sun-bronzed the four xi.

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从公园大门口进来,可以看到左边放着一把铜壶。Enter the park from the main entrance and hang a left when you see the bronze kettle opposite the photo stand.

他能听见厨房里传来小声的“妈的”和“哎哟”声,接着就是零钱哗啦啦掉进铜壶的声音。He could hear whispers of " ow " and "shit" coming from the room, followed by the sound of change sprinkling into brass.

经过名为阿尔坤塔拉的阿拉伯铜壶蒸馏,获得极其细腻的生命之水。Obtained by the traditional and artesian Arab method of copper pot still, Alquitaras, to achieve an eaux-de-vie of unique finesse.

与现实中的桑树形象最为接近的,是战国时期采桑狩腊攻占壶上的图案,在这只青铜壶上十分逼真地刻画了女奴们在桑林中歌舞的情景。The mulberry that best resembles a real tree is the painting on a bronze kettle featuring a group of girls dancing in a mulberry forest.