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如同椴树枝叶般旖旎。As leaf of linden-tree.

5月里处处枝叶繁茂,花儿吐艳。May is busting out all over.

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春暖五月枝叶繁。Spring warm may branches bloom.

一株株树,一丛丛灌木在她的四周拍打着枝叶。All the trees and bushes beat about her.

就象棵树确信所有的枝叶将会重生。Just as a tree is sure its leaves will reappear.

骆驼既吃地被植物也吃树的枝叶。Camels browse on trees as well as on ground cover.

树木在他们头顶上空形成了一个枝叶茂盛的遮篷。The trees formed a leafy canopy above their heads.

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一条城中路,一棵满是枝叶的树。A city road. A tree with heavy leaves and branches.

春风吹拂满枝叶,细雨润开山里红。Spring sway over leaves, rain Run to open Shan Lihong.

枝叶扶疏。The branches and leaves are luxuriant but well-spaced.

一棵树到了夏天,可能在其枝叶中藏著一窝的知更鸟。A tree may in summer wear a nest of robins in her hair.

枝叶繁茂的人群,一片森林。The crowd of branches and leaves bushiness, one forest.

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第一次寒潮袭来时,大丽花的枝叶枯萎而假死了。The dahlias died down when we had the first cold spell.

萌发枝和长枝叶宽,呈卵形,掌状。Germination branches and long branches wide, oval, palmate.

夏天,枣树上的枝叶更加茂盛了。Summer, the jujube tree branches and leaves on a more lush.

全株有毒。燃烧枝叶之烟雾也有剧毒。Whole plant is toxic even the smoke from burning the plant.

还有一棵又大又漂亮的樱桃树,它的枝叶投下了很大一片阴凉。A big and bountiful cherry tree shaded much of the back yard.

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春天柳树枝叶的优雅是怎么来的呢?Where does the gracefulness of the willow sprays result from?

她修剪好枝叶,将花插到一个别致的花瓶里。She trimmed the stems , and placed them in a very special vase.

它们的枝叶不疾不徐地向着太阳生长。They grow unhurriedly toward the sun that nourishes their foliage.