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请稍等,我去库房给您拿货。I'll get it for you in the storeroom.

卡车司机在库房装车。The lorry driver loaded up at the depot.

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库房里堆放着许多农具。A lot of farm tools are piled in the storehouse.

一天夜里,库房里的硫磺引起了火灾。One night, the sulfur in the storage caused the fire.

库房材料全部达到账、物、卡相符合。All materials should conform to the account and cards.

小老鼠点点头,让小女巫进了库房。Little Mouse nodded, so little witch into the Treasury.

你把你的马留在维达的库房,对吧?。You parking your horse in Vida Warren's closet, pardner?

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库房的看守人将于晚上十点换班。The watchman of the storehouse will be relieved at 10 p.m.

当时她被分配到附近一所男子监狱的库房工作。Her job was working at a warehouse for a nearby men’s prison.

我们公司在湛江和塘沽基地都有泥浆材料库房。Our Service has warehouses in Zhanjiang Base and Tanggu Base.

检查出库申请和库房收货,以查证库房记录是否正确。Checks stores requisitions and receipts against stock records.

器械的库房能放药品吗?Medical device warehouse should be sepearate with drug warehouses.

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一个边长为60英尺的正方形金库房或是一艘大型油轮就可以存放所有的黄金。All of it could be stored in a vault 60 feet square ,or a supertanker

本品应在通风、干燥的库房中贮存,严禁爆晒。The goods should be in a well-ventilated, dry storage coffers No 47s.

便可进住,也能够以当小型加工厂或仓库库房。Can enter, also can become small-sized processing factory or storehouse.

库房清理与日常航材、工具和设备维护与保养。Store cleaning and routine materials, tooling and equipment maintenance.

犹大众人就把五榖,新酒,和油的十分之一,送入库房。All Judah then brought tithe ofthegrain, wine and oil intothestorehouses.

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十年前,该地是一大片停车场以及未充分利用的库房。A decade ago, the site was an expanse of car lots and underused warehouses.

在香港,博彩税为库房带来大量收益。A gambling tax in Hong Kong contributes significantly to government coffers.

犹大众人就把五榖、新酒、和油的十分之一、送入库房。All Judah brought the tithes of grain, new wine and oil into the storerooms.