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通报大人不算告密。Telling an adult is not snitching.

有人告密说,他偷了邻居的宠物。He was narked to steal his neighbour's pet.

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他向警方告密,出卖了他最好的朋友。He ratted out his best friend to the police.

如果一个囚犯告密,他就“命不久矣”。If a con snitches, he “isn’t long for this world.”

她在那里一举一动都受到监视和告密。Where her every move have been Surveillance and informers.

它是这座城镇间谍、流言和告密的象征。It's the symbol of this town of spies, gossips, and snitches.

马宏给迈可打了个电话,告知了这个情况,并且保证他不会告密。Mahone calls Michael to warn him and to explain that he won't squeal.

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她们非常清楚任何一个过路人或游手好闲者都可能告密。They knew only too well that any passer-by, any lounger , might be a spy.

他的告密涉及流亡于伦敦、巴黎、瑞士的革命者。His notes were about the revolutionary exiles in Lon-don, Paris, and Switzerland.

但危澄担心受牵连,暗中联络警方告密。But dangerous chengcheng worry influenced, secretly to contact the police informers.

要是特里的弟弟不向警方告密的话,警方是不会知道特里的。The police wouldn't have known of Terry's involvement if his brother hadn't grassed on him.

而韩国三星电子则因告密此案,以污点证人的身分免于受罚。Samsung Electronics in South Korea was not punished because they were informers in the case.

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过去,为了挽救我们的友谊,我原谅丹尼尔告密行为。In the past, I have overlooked Danielle's underhanded behavior in order to save our friendship.

他还告诉她,不要向任何人提及他的名字,否则他可能会因为告密而接受军事法庭审判。And he begged her not to mention his name to anyone because he could be court-martialed for his warning.

到底谁闯进去的?,-我想我们不用担心,内特会由于压力而告密的。都同意吗?。Who did break in, anyway? I guess we don't have to worry About Nate cracking under pressure. So are we all agreed?

政府以来群众性、多层次的告密体系来甄别批评者和潜在的麻烦制造者。The government relied upon a massive, multilevel system of informants to identify critics and potential troublemakers.

巴尼斯-索利兹于1997年1月起诉科赫公司在其告密后骚扰并虐待她。Barnes-Soliz sued Koch in January 1997, saying the company harassed and mistreated her after she became a whistle-blower.

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他发现一切都原封不动的在那儿,那封告密信,判决书,莫雷尔的请愿书,维尔福先生的按语。There he found everything arranged in due order,--the accusation, examination, Morrel's petition, M. de Villefort's marginal notes.

几经周折,冯勇终于和告密者晤面,岂料告密人正是他昔日的恋人白雪。After many setbacks, feng Yong is mixed eventually tattletale meet, expect inform against the person is him in former days lover Bai Xue.

我那时还是个蠢男孩,我告诉了一个我认为是朋友的人,结果他向我们的士官告密,我的手足兄弟们便来帮我从那个负担里解脱了。Fool boy that I was, I told a man I took to be my friend, and he told our serjeant, and my brothers-in-arms come and relieved me o' that burden.