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其中,热载流子效应是最主要的失效机理之一。And HCE is one of the most common failure mechanisms.

在这个区内的载流子浓度被消耗殆尽。The density of carriers in the region has been depleted.

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本文提出了一种测量少数载流子寿命的方法。In this paper showed a measurement method of minority carrier lifetime.

本文研究了脉冲MOS电容器中的电场增强载流子产生。A study of field-enhanced carrier generation in pulsed MOS capacitors is made.

进一步的分析认为,P3峰很可能联系于欠掺杂区载流子的异常行为。Furthermore, P3 peak might correlate with abnormal behavior of carriers in HTSC.

这个过程与载流子浓度和晶格温度有密切关系。The processes are closely related to carrier concentration and lattice temperature.

这一现象可定性地用自由载流子吸收来解释。This phenomenon may be explained qualitatively by means of free carrier absorption.

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材料中的光生载流子寿命对辐射也有一定的影响。The lifetime of carriers in the photoconductor also has an impact on the terahertz wave.

本文简明地描述了由载流子带内弛豫加宽的半经典的密度矩阵理论。The semiclassical density-matrix theory with carrier intraband relaxation broading is described.

器件的发光强度有所提高,但栅压对载流子的控制作用不理想。Luminescence intensity increased, but the role of the gate voltage to control current is not ideal.

本文提出了一种新的测量半导体材料中少数载流子寿命的方法。A new method for measuring the life time of minority current carriers in semiconductors is described.

本文提出了一种新的多晶硅发射区少数载流子注入理论。A new theory about minority carrier injection into polysilicon emitter has been proposed in this paper.

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耗尽层-晶圆片上的电场区域,此区域排除载流子。Depletion Layer- A region on a wafer that contains an electrical field that sweeps out charge carriers.

经过激光处理后样品表面一薄层载流子浓度超过了杂质的固溶度极限。The carrier concentration of surface after CO2 laser irradiation can exceed the solid solubility limit.

顺式聚乙炔是一维有机导体,双极化子是其导电载流子的主要形式。The cis-polyacetylene is a sort of organic conductor, and the bipolaron is its main conductive carrier.

通过调节输入光和载流子浓度变化来研究QD-SOA的增益饱和特性与输入光功率、载流子浓度的关系。The gain saturation properties of QD-SOA are analyzed by regulating the input signal and carrier intensity.

在低温下,载流子被捕获由潜在的最小值中的量子阱和SP耦合是弱的。At low temperatures, the carriers are trapped by the potential minima in the QW and the SP coupling is weak.

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通过对这些失效因素的研究并通过一定的再设计手段,可以减少热载流子效应导致的器件退化。The device degradation induced by HCE can be reduced by studying these failure factors to resign the circuits.

载流子注入水平的降低,减少了腔面处非辐射复合的发生,因而提高了激光器的灾变性光学损伤阈值。As a result that the rate of the nonradiative recombination is reduced, and the COD level is higher than before.

对器件的亚阈区导电和RF等特性的热载流子退化,也作了相应的分析。The degradations of device output conductance, subthreshold conduction and RF characteristics are also analyzed.