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我们真的可以生活在零能耗的房子里吗?Will we all really live in zero-energy homes?

零能耗简直太棒了!但是这种建筑要花多少钱才能建造呢?That's great. But how much did you say the build cost was?

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与中国的其他统计指标一样,能耗强度的统计数据也一直波动不定。China’s energy-intensity data are as wobbly as other indicators.

我们尽可能少地使用混凝土以减少能耗。We use as less concrete as possible, to reduce energy-consumption.

贝利特水泥由于能耗低而逐渐引起人们的关注。Belite cement gets attention because of its low energy consumption.

减少冷暖气的能耗,对房屋作节能评估。Weatherize your house, increase insulation, and get an energy audit.

地下建筑的运行能耗问题有其特殊性。Energy consumption problems of underground buildings are investigated.

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自然风干或太阳晒干的能耗为零,比使用干衣机更环保。Drying in the wind and sunlight, rather than a dryer, uses zero energy.

驾车一英里的能耗和在网页上完成一次搜索的能耗,谁高谁低是显而易见的。"One mile of driving completely dwarfs the cost of a search, " he said.

这种新型超细选粉机能耗比较低。This separator has better efficiency in separation and lower resistance.

是否有降低能耗的定期维护保养计划?Do you have a preventive maintenance schedule that reduces wasted energy?

这里主要讨论电磁制动中的反接制动、能耗制动和回馈制动。We focus on the reverse braking, energy consume braking and back braking.

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涤纶热熔絮片具有能耗低、无污染的特点。Thermo-bonded polyester battings are low energy consumption and no pollution.

建筑是百年大计,及早的通过节能建筑设计控制建筑的能耗。As a primary means of the architectural design of passive energy conservation.

本文主要对夏热冬冷地区新风全年能耗进行了分析。Analyses the all-year energy consumption of the fresh air in hot and cold areas.

不需要加热,抽真空和高速离心,能耗低,运行费用低。No heating required, vacuum pump and fast speed centrifugation , low energy cost.

另外,这些新型罗盘将小巧玲珑并且能耗极低。What's more, these compasses would be small and would consume very little energy.

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在河床演变过程中根据河流最小能耗原理对河宽的变化进行了调整。Changes in channel width are calculated based on the minimum stream power concept.

事实上,在某些地区夏时制可能导致了更高的能耗。In fact, in some regions, DST could actually cause the consumption of more energy.

有时,是大楼住户首先注意到能耗大的特点。Sometimes, a building's inhabitants are the first to notice energy-wasting features.