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然后你就钻研进去了。Then you just dive in.

他们在钻研物理学。They are digging at physics.

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钻研数学。I'd be engaged in doing math.

她钻研数学。She is digging at mathematics.

他正在刻苦钻研法语。He is grinding away at French study.

他最近正在刻苦钻研他的学业。He is hammering at his studies recently.

我们要刻苦钻研经济工作。We must apply ourselves to economic work.

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我真的把漫画书钻研。I just really delved into the comic books.

怎么能把努力钻研业务和白扯到一起呢!It would be hard to give a definite reply.

他的回报是钻研本身带来的乐趣。His reward is the pleasure of depth itself.

他的博学来自他的刻苦钻研。His erudition comes from his assiduous study.

他好像大部分时间都在苦学钻研。He seems to spend most of his time swotting up.

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她在不停地刻苦钻研数学。She is digging away at her mathematics lessons.

赔钱不能赢利,但能使投机者细心钻研。Losses make the speculator studious——not profits.

钻研天文学等等。I'd be engaged in studying astronomy, what have you.

为了很好地为祖国服务,他刻苦钻研。He studied hard that he might serve the country well.

他拥有相当多的伊丽莎白时期的藏书供其钻研。He had a considerable Elizabethan library to delve in.

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柯奈威斯特是一位钻研种族关系的畅销作家。Cornel West is a best-selling author on race-relations.

他钻研许多古书与文件,以寻找事实。He delves into lots of old books and papers for the fact.

微软公司是钻研会地承办商。Microsoft is the international conference on contractors.