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的高度评价,并为该专著作序。He also wrote preface for the monograph.

你有没有出版过专著或发表过论文?。Have you got any monographs or thesis published?

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没有任何一个OTD专著包括布洛芬。Ibuprofen is not included in any OTD drug monograph.

第一本协同学专著出版于1977年。The first book of synergetics was published in 1977.

这是我国出版的第—本电教专著。It is the first Audio-visual monograph China published.

著有专著二部,论文十余篇。He has published two special books more than ten articles.

著有专著二部,论文十余篇。He has published two special books and more than ten articles.

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赛纳公司本著诚信,认真的原则,专著于技术进步。We devote to tech-rise on the basis of sincerity and graveness.

如同一位人类学家写了一部关于这些寓言的专著。Lile an anthropologist wrote a treatise on some of these fables.

这本专著是一本较高深的普及读物。This monograph belongs to the category of serious popular books.

如果你想称之为UDH,那你需要复习一下乳腺病理的专著。You need to review breast books if you want to call them as UDH.

阿娇显得很专著,于是我也便不去打扰她。Ejiao appears very monographs, hence I also will not disturb her.

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内容也包括技术创新及学术权威的一些专著。Includes profiles of innovative programs and leading authorities.

许多专著和文体书都有配套的磁盘或是光盘。Many treatises and form books now come with forms on disk or CD-ROM.

在此过程中,不断涌现出了大量的相关专著与优秀论文。A number of related books and good dissertations have been published.

她最近在商务印书馆出版了她的第四本专著。She has recently published her fourth book with the Commercial Press.

俞博士发表了多达150篇论文及15本专著。Dr Yu has published widely, including more than 150 papers and 15 books.

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这也警醒她的家人尽快整理出版她的专著。Her family can hand out all of her professional publications at the wake.

这是我读了一本细节治理专著之后的第一反应。This is the first reaction after I read monograph of a detail management.

已出版学术专著多种,发表学术论文百余篇。His publications include more than nine monographs and one hundred papers.