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以下哪一项是间接税?。Which of the following is an indirect tax?

在使用间接税方面,美国近乎老末。It is close to the bottom on its use of indirect taxes.

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你知道怎样区分直接税和间接税吗?。Do you know how to classify direct tax and indirect tax?

当向商品徵收间接税,供应减少。When there is an indirect tax on commodity, supply decreases.

我国目前的税制体系仍然是以间接税为主。China's current tax system remains dominated by indirect taxes.

对于从任何一州输入的货物不得征收直接税或间接税。No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state.

任何税务制度,基本上都可以划分为直接税与间接税。Basically, any system can be divided into direct and indirect taxes.

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几乎没有什么人懂得直接税与间接税的含义。Few people understand what direct taxation and indirect taxation mean.

间接税的款项是由生产者支付给政府。The amount of indirect tax is paid by the producers to the government.

在整个欧盟内,增值税是标准的间接税。VAT is the standard form of indirect tax paid throughout the European Union.

在此基础上,重点研究了电子商务下的间接税法律问题。On this basis, the focus on the legal issues of indirect tax under e-commerce.

如果公司将成本转移到消费者,那么消费者相当于支付间接税。If the company passes on the cost to consumers, then the consumer pays the hidden tax.

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其他任何名义申请更名税税率仍有所直接税或间接税。Any other name applied to any tax still leaves the renamed tax as a direct tax or an indirect tax.

增值税是对纳税人生产经营活动的增值额征收的一种间接税。VAT is a production and management activities of the value-added taxpayers an indirect tax levied.

第三,完善我国的证券投资基金税制,逐步由间接税转向直接税。Third, to perfect the taxation system of the funds and make a transition from indirect to direct tax.

由于市场价格增加了,消费者间接地缴交了部分间接税给政府。As the market price is increased, consumers pay part of the indirect tax indirectly to the government.

为避免疑义,欧盟商业订购者需要缴纳任何适用的欧盟间接税。For the avoidance of doubt, EU business Subscribers are required to remit any applicable EU indirect taxes.

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如果环保税要区分为直接税或间接税,你会选择哪一种?。If we have to treat environmental taxes into either direct tax or indirect tax, which one would you prefer?

冯幽兰说,为了产生影响,中国应该少依赖于回归间接税,向资本收益征税,并引入遗产税。To make a difference, China should rely less on regressive indirect taxation, start taxing capital gains and introduce inheritance taxes, Fernandez-Lommen said.

新的报告将呈现首次将财政大幅紧缩和间接税调升纳入考量的预估.The new forecasts will be the first to take account of the sharp fiscal tightening and indirect tax rises announced in Chancellor George Osborne's June 22 budget.