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再长点的旅途则会稍微收点小钱。Longer trips will incur a small charge.

不要成为小钱精明,大钱糊涂。Don't try to be penny-wise and pound-foolish.

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每个月只有一点小钱用于投资?Only have a little money to invest each month?

你的这点儿小钱王员外根本看不上眼。Your money is far too little for the landlord.

“现在把你的小钱包给我,”亚伯拉罕说。“Give me your little purse now, ” Abrahim said.

他们对这些小钱不感兴趣。They would not have been interested in such chickenfeed.

我觉得做垃圾站吧,赚点小钱,没意思。I feel to do rubbish to stand, gain bit of penny, uninteresting.

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同时隐秘地,在他桌子后面,他的右手玩弄着小钱。And secretly, behind his desk, his right hand practiced with the coin.

为一点小钱讨价还价实际上是忽略了时间的真正价值。Be argy-bargy of a bit penny is oversight actually the real value of time.

有些孩子把编好的盖伊给街上的行人看,收点小钱,。Some of them show their Guy to passers-by in the street and collect pennies.

小钱在一个指关节上碰倒了,无声地滚到珍珠商的膝上。The coin stumbled over a knuckle and slipped silently into the dealer's lap.

现金就躺在那睡大觉,挣点比普通储蓄稍高点的小钱。The cash just sits there, earning little more than the average savings account.

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债主从公司收旧账或者跟债务人讨小钱。Debt collectors buy old debts from companies or lenders for pennies on the dollar.

小商贩们走街串巷赚点小钱养家糊口。The peddlers went to every alley and street to make money to support their families.

小钱和老孙的故事,如今在申城许多买房人身上重演。Stiver and the story of Old Man Sun , in Shanghai today many people repeat purchases.

铁匠,木匠,以及其他赚点小钱的手艺人也是艺人。Blacksmiths, carpenters, and other utilitarian craftsmen are also considered Artisans.

他抄写经卷,抄写佛教的韵文,以此换得几文小钱购买食物。He would copy sutras, Buddhist verses, and in this manner receive a few coins for food.

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我是花一点小钱玩玩的玩家,没有大把的RMB耍,5K是没效果的。I end a little money to play with some players, not playing a lot of RMB, 5K is no effect.

至今,小钱德勒还记得加拉赫在山穷水尽时说过的一次话。Little Chandler remembered one of Ignatius Gallaher's sayings when he was in a tight corner.

起初他们只是偷点儿小钱买彩票,但从来没中过奖。At first, they just took a small amount to buy lottery tickets, but they never won any money.