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眼球及眼睑周国摸得到骨头的两个凹洞,便是眼窝。Zhou eye and eyelid bone loss by the two Aodong is orbital.

使用从库存上眼窝,蓝圆晶体。Use the BLUE ROUND CRYSTAL from inventory on the eye socket.

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不论男女,眼窝均会随著年龄增长变宽变长。In both men and women, the eye sockets became wider and longer.

它的位置几乎上都是在眼窝顶处。The most common site of subperiosteal hemorrhage is the orbital roof.

这些小孔在许多鲨鱼中,是与眼窝的裂缝汇合。These foramina are confluent with the orbital fissure in many sharks.

手指向眼窝猛刺——努力向上钩起,把眼珠子剜出来。Finger through the eye socket — try to hook around and pop the eye out.

眼球摘除后微量进样器于眼窝处取外周血。After removing eyeballs, peripheral blood was obtained by micro-injector.

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刷腮红按照自颧骨到眼窝的顺序。Red-cheek brush should follow the order of from the cheekbone to eyehole.

我用一只手拾起一块海绵,用它擦拭泰勒那个空洞吓人的眼窝。I picked up the sponge in one hand and dabbed at Tyler's scarred eye-sockets.

位于大脑皮层前方的眼窝部分,也参与了奖赏系统的运作。The orbitofrontal cortex is another brain area involved in the reward circuit.

他提到这些骸骨的眼窝比正常人的大出很多。He said that that the eye cavities are far larger than normally seen in humans.

眼窝峰窝组织炎大多来自眼窝外感染。Orbital cellulitis results almost exclusively from infections beyond the orbit.

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Zuccotti所患的乳腺癌已经扩散到肝和右眼窝的骨头上了。Zuccotti's cancer had spread to her liver and a bone near her right eye socket.

电脑断层摄影发现一巨大鼻窦肿瘤伴随眼窝侵犯。Computed tomography revealed a huge sinonasal tumor with orbital wall destruction.

它在眼窝与耳囊到枕骨大孔之间向后延伸。It extends posteriorly between the orbits and otic capsules to the foramen magnum.

一个形容憔悴、肤色苍白、眼窝深陷的少女用一双深色的眼睛看着她,眼神炽烈。A gaunt, hollow-eyed maid with white skin and dark, burning eyes gazed back at her.

颤颤地望着路之尽头,久涸的眼窝又一次被灼人的泪浸润。I look at the road end quiverily, my dry eye sockets are soaked by tears once more.

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接着眼睛从眼窝被挤出来,脑浆从耳朵溢出来。Then the eyes squirted from their sockets and finally, brain matter squirted from the ears.

一天又一天,面对众多惨象,压力使队员们眼窝深陷。The strain of confronting so much misery, day after day, is apparent in their hollowed eyes.

眼窝大小、外形的变化会招致抬头纹以及鱼尾纹。The changes in eye-socket size and shape may contribute to forehead wrinkles and crow's feet.