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山上有许多野蔷薇丛。There are brier bushes on the hill.

我就是存在的野蔷薇和红樱桃。I'm the wild eglantine and cherry that exist.

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蜂蜜虽甜,但千万别舔野蔷薇刺上的蜂蜜。Though honey is sweet, don't lick it off a briar.

醇厚的酒体,散发出浓郁的洋李、黑樱桃和野蔷薇的芬芳。A dense wine loaded with rich plum, black cherry and briar.

野蔷薇代表浪漫的爱情等。The multiflora rose represents the romantic love and so on.

那座房子没有被野蔷薇覆盖,前面还有个小花园,里面盛开着黄的蓝的鲜花。A nice little garden in front of the house was full of blue and yellow flowers.

荆棘和野蔷薇蔓生,深不可测的树丛令他唯有绕道而行。Brambles and multiflora rose grew in impenetrable thickets she detoured around.

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蔷薇又名多花蔷薇,野蔷薇,为落叶攀缘性灌木。Also known as Rosa multiflora rose, Rosa multiflora , deciduous shrubs and climbing.

第五梦,篱笆旁的野蔷薇在暮色中独自唱着一曲未名的赞歌。Fifth dream, the fence beside the brier alone in the twilight a Unnamed hymn singing.

他得和灌木、荨麻、出楂、野蔷薇、飞廉和一触即怒的黑莓打交道。He had to deal with holly bushes, nettles, hawthorns, eglantines,thistles, and very irascible brambles.

他得和灌木、荨麻、出楂、野蔷薇、飞廉和一触即怒的黑莓打交道。He had to deal with holly bushes, nettles, hawthorns, eglantines, thistles, and very irascible brambles.

她每星期天都来这儿亲近白色紫罗兰、麝香野蔷薇、粉色桂竹香。She comes here every Sunday to smell the white double violets, the musk rose , the matted pink gillyflowers.

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采用超声辅助提取法提取野蔷薇种子油,以气相色谱-质谱联用技术对油脂进行脂肪酸组成分析。The Rosa spp seed oil was extracted by ultrasonic-assist and its fatty acid composition was analyzed by GC-MS.

林中矿地附近长着一丛丛野蔷薇,第一朵花开放了粉红粉红的,芳香扑鼻。Many a fascicle rosebush grow around the weald , the first flower bloomed in deep fink and sends out strong fragrance.

但是昨天淡淡的春意都来自我窗前的一根枝柯,在鸟儿的啼鸣中我听到野蔷薇的呼吸从嫩草上吹来。But yesterday the least of them all came to a bough by my window, and in his call I heard the sweet-briar wind rushing over the young grass.

野蔷薇除了MDA和膜透性之间相关性不强,说明除了MDA大量累积破坏膜的稳定性以外还有其他的途径导致膜的透性增加。But for, Rosa Multiflora correlation between MDA and membrane is not strong, which indiCATe that other approach which may damages membrane stability.

第二年春天,多恩豪斯博士把研究场所改到盛开着百里香、熏衣草和野蔷薇的西班牙灌木丛林,重复了她的实验,并对实验加以改进。The next spring, Dr. Dornhaus moved her study to the well-flowered thyme, lavender and wild rose shrublands of Spain, repeating her experiment and refining it.

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第二年春天,多恩豪斯博士把研究场所改到盛开着百里香、熏衣草和野蔷薇的西班牙灌木丛林,重复了她的实验,并对实验加以改进。The next spring, Dr. Dornhaus moved her study to the well-flowered thyme , lavender and wild rose shrublands of Spain, repeating her experiment and refining it.

很久之前的那个夏天,当我走在空荡的城镇时,街上已经荒草丛生,房子上也爬满了野蔷薇,只有昆虫的鸣叫声弥漫在空气中。Grass now grew in the streets. And the little houses were covered by wild rose bushes. Only the sound of insects filled the air as I walked through the empty town that summer day so long ago.