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呈请书的其余部分如下所示。The rest of the petition follows below.

现连同此项呈请书提交一份本人的资产负债状况说明书。A statement of my affairs is filed with th is petition.

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然而,纳扎尔巴耶夫拒绝了议会的呈请。But Mr Nazarbayev has turned down parliament’s petition.

呈请人和答辩人均以喷鼻港为居籍。Both the Petitioner and the Respondent are domiciled in Hong Kong.

必须指出,有些问题还需要呈请。It must be pointed out that some questions have yet to be clarified.

呈请人在婚姻期间没有生下其它仍然在生的子女。No other child now living has been born to the Petitioner during the marriage.

呈请人已经或将会为答辩人提供妥当的经济援助。The Petitioner had made or will make proper financial provision for the Respondent.

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我们的办公室附表访谈的基础上,呈请核准日期和对现有资源。Our office schedules interviews based on the petition approval date and on available resources.

在抗战结束后,战时生产局还积极呈请行政院为美国专家授勋。After the war, the WPB also applied to the Executive Yuan for decorating the American specialists.

当一个人无力偿债项,达到资不抵债的地步,可自行向法院自行提交破产呈请。When a person is unable to repay hisher debts , heshe can file a bankruptcy petition against himselfherself with the court.

债权人亦有权向法院提交破产呈请,起诉拖欠债项的个人、公司或公司合人。A creditor can file a bankruptcy petition with the court against an individual , a firm or a partner of a firm who owes himher money.

公元1880年,铁路技术的发展日新月异,俄国收到一些来自私人的呈请书,要求获得在远东地区建造铁路的特许权。In 1880, railroad technology was advancing rapidly, and the Russians received several private petitions for a concession in the Far East.

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呈请人及答辩人均有权将该清单送交存档,并须述明每张有争议的选票的争议基础。Both the petitioner and the respondent are given the right to file such a list , stating the grounds of contention for each disputed ballot paper.

选举主任所作的裁定,除以选举呈请书提出质疑外,不可循任何法律程序提出质疑。The Returning Officer's determination on the validity of a nomination cannot be questioned in any legal proceeding except by an election petition.

选举主任所作的决定,将为最终决定,除以选举呈请书提出质疑外,不可循任何法律程序提出质疑。The Returning Officer's decision on the validity of a nomination is final and cannot be questioned in any proceeding except by an election petition.

去年的九月,我呈请读者来信告诉我自己都有什么心事,还答应过会在此处回答一些电子邮件。Back in September, I invited readers to write in to tell me what was on their minds, and I promised I would answer some of thee-mails here in this column.