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她本意是好的,我知道。Her heart meant well. I know that.

没有伤害任何人的本意。For the person who were hurted by me.

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她迟疑了一下,当然她本意在如此。She hesitated, but of course she meant to.

我想你没有明白我的本意!Ithink you're missing the basic point here.

你们说你们的照片本意是什么?You say your pictures are all orginal mean?

他曲解了我的话的本意。He wrested my words from their real meaning.

胡昌明的评论本意是一种赞扬。His remark was intended as a form of praise.

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其本意其实是中国国骂的谐音。Purported Chinese curse is in fact the harmonics.

你若何能昧着本意天良说我们不在乎你!So donwoult you dare tell me how we donwoult care.

死亡我并不畏惧,但急着赴死也并非是我的本意。I'm not afraid of death, but I'm in no hurry to die.

施催眠术让他做出违反本意的事。She hypnotize him into do thing against his own will.

本意是毋须烧房赶老鼠,我的理解是大材小用。Don't burn down your house to frighten the mouse away.

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道出了园主人以竹命名的本意。Park owner has expressed the intention to bamboo named.

英豪的可以冒生命危险,但不冒本意天良危险。The brave man hazards his life, but not his conscience.

他因为没有掌握全部信息,所以误解了她的本意。He was ill-informed and had misunderstood her intentions.

她给他施催眠术让他做出违反本意的事。She hypnotized him into doing things against his own will.

措辞晦涩,致使人误解本意。The wording is so ambiguous that it leads to misinterpretations.

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什么都不需要做只需要告诉别人你的本意,你会怎么做?Without having to do anything but tell someone who or what you are?

本意是毋须烧房赶老鼠,我的理解是大材小用。Status Offline Don't burn down your house to frighten the mouse away.

只有在事过境迁,我们才领悟到神容许这些不如意的事发生,本意是美好的。Only in hindsight do we understand how God intended a problem for good.