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我按捺不住我的愤怒。I could not curb my anger.

“你难道就不想知道是谁租了吗?”班尼特太太按捺不住的嚷了一句。"Do not you want to know who has taken it?"cried his wife impatiently.

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当我看见那些男孩待我的狗不好时,简直按捺不住愤怒。I could hardly keep my temper down when I saw the boys treating mydog badly.

带着有些按捺不住的激动,我们开始了这段惊现之旅!With uncontrollable excitements, we began this journey of surprising discovery.

那种按捺不住的诱惑通常会持续一两分钟,每次来的强度也不一样。Urges usually last about a minute or two, and they come in waves of varying strength.

又过了一会,宝玉实在按捺不住,上前揭了盖头。After a while, Pao-yu could wait no longer, so he stepped forward and removed the veil.

他们两个一直在谈等这个,要是那个就好了,这使他终于按捺不住了。They both were talking about when this and if that, finally he couldn't take it anymore.

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德仕看见瑞薏的背影,百感交集,最终按捺不住冲上前从后拥抱她。DE shi saw job back, mixed feelings, finally unbearable rushed forward from behind embrace her.

到11月份,压力已经让其他两人喘不过气,包括按捺不住的刘洋.By November, the pressure had taken its toll on two of the others, including the irrepressible Liu Yang.

坐在一旁的唐明皇再也按捺不住心中的激动,冲到他们中间,在举手投足间一展帝王英姿。Emperor Tang, who is sitting aside, can not restrain his jealousy and join them to display his heroic bearing.

我听着外面的烟花炮竹声,小伙伴的欢呼笑声,按捺不住,悄悄出门。I listened to the outside of the fireworks and firecrackers sound, small partners with laughter, restrain, snuck out.

在太空发生性行为似乎不合情理,但据悉曾经就有宇航员按捺不住自己的激情。Sexual intercourse in space may appear out of bounds , but astronauts have been known to succumb to earthly passions.

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我虽然对背着妈妈做调皮捣蛋的事感到紧张,但按捺不住自制化学品的兴奋。I felt nervous of my mischievous deeds behind Mom’s back, but the thrill of homemade chemistry was too much to resist.

韩疏影已经走过了十多天了,谢天赐按捺不住,派自己的手下去老杰克的别墅里接走谢家姐弟。Korea thin film has been passed more than ten days, tse irrepressible, sent his hand down old villa away jack Xie Gu siblings.

我今天让毕克输的这么爽,他肯定按捺不住要继续找我比试。I let to finish a gram apt lose so greatly today, he affirmation can no restrain ugg claccic continue to quest me to have a emulation.

第二天,的确,大家都听到园里有两个铃铛的声音,修女们按捺不住,都要掀起一角面罩来看看。On the following day, therefore, two bells were audible in the garden, and the nuns could not resist the temptation to raise the corner of their veils.

川村见此情景,早已按捺不住,只见他猛地抱住瑙璃子,随着一声异样的吼叫,压。The Chuan village sees this scene and has already canned not restrain, sees him fiercely embrace the son of Nao Li, along with a differently roar, press.

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当SilverLight承诺说,未来能让.NET编写的富客户端应用程序无缝地运行在所有的浏览器里面,很多开发人员已经按捺不住了。While Silverlight promises a future where rich client applications written in .NET work seamlessly in all web browsers, many developers cannot afford to wait.

在这以前,冉阿让在他那样的心境中是对谁都不会说一句话,也不会答一句话的。这时他却按捺不住,主动向那孩子说话了。Jean Valjean, who, an instant previously, in his then state of mind, would not have spoken to or even answered any one, felt irresistibly impelled to accost that child.

发言者继续着他的演讲,说到点子上时,他按捺不住内心的激动,要介绍“所有成就了今天毕业礼的了不起的人们!”As the speaker continued with his speech, he reached a point where he had an uncontrollable urge to introduce “all the wonderful people, who have made this day possible!”