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吃掉自己的猪崽子的老母猪!The old sow that eats her farrow!

爱尔兰是一只吃自己猪崽的老母猪。Ireland is the old sow that eats her farrow.

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不息的轰隆似愤怒老母。Cease not your moaning you fierce old mother.

她还牵着另一匹马,一匹摇摇晃晃的老母马。She leads a second horse, an old sway-backed MARE.

那时你老母从我的随身插硬盘下载一些数值。Mom at that time made some downloads from dads memory stick.

一只老母鸡,怎样才能保住性命而不被主人宰杀呢?How can an old hen keep her away from the killings of the own?

若想使农庄充裕,必须有一只老母鸡和一头嫩牛仔。He that willhavehis farm full, must keep an old cock andayoung bull.

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于是老母送密勒日巴去学巫术黑法,要报仇。So Milarepa's mother sent him away to learn black magic for revenge.

村民眼看这么大的养殖场只剩下100只老母鸡和50头猪。The village people see so big farm to leave 100 old hen with 50 pig.

甲﹕我们进的童子鸡有一半是老母鸡。A﹕The young boy chickens we entered have half to be old lady chickens.

三林坦言,担心连累老母,不敢答应。Three Lin admitted that worry troubler old mother, did not dare to promise.

不管豹子有没有羽毛,被煮的总是老母鸡。Whether leopards have feathers or not, it's hens that always end up in a pot.

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“先生,”这个小男人回答,“是几只虚弱的老母狗。”"Sir, " answered the little man, "it's a little four week old female puppy. "

他虽然在外工作,心里却一直萦系家中的老母。Though working outside, he is always concerned about his aging mother at home.

这位老母仍不做声,只不过纺织机摇得更响。The mother is still not say a word, but more rocking sound of textile machines.

那个中年人因虐待老母被关进了监狱。Eg. The middle-aged man had been put in prison for bashing his old mother about.

我希望他能留更多的私房钱赡养老母并且不被妻子发现。I hope he can get as much case-dough as he can without being caught by his wife.

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高堂老母痛儿心碎,请其两位舅父跋涉来山看望。Gaotang pain infants heartbreaking mother, uncle and urged the two mountain trek to visit.

他住在澳大利亚的102岁高龄的老母伊丽莎白•默多克现在仍然深表失望。His 102-year-old mother, Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, who lives in Australia, is still dismayed.

黛玉方进入房时,只见两个人搀着一位鬓发如银的老母迎上来,黛玉便知是他外祖母。When Daiyu entered the house, she saw an old lady supported by two maids's hands came to her.