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我的烹调技术甚差。I'm inexpert at cooking.

干燥箱,煮水器,烹调器。Dry box, heater and cooker.

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去掉鱼头后再烹调。Head the fish before cooking.

最新的烹调油烟的优势?What's the advantage of COF ?

哪种油烹调最好?Which Oils Are Best for Cooking?

我在烹调鱼之前会先把它裹上面包粉。I bread the fish before I cook it.

不,你可不想烹调过度!No, you don't want to overcook it!

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她喜欢烹调,不喜欢婴儿车。She loves cooking and dislikes prams.

这里的烹调好得很。The cooking here is very satisfactory.

烹调西餐就像在实验室里做实验一样。I think it is like a testing laboratory.

把冻肉化冻后再进行烹调。Thaw out the frozen meat before cooking.

烹调中常使用芳香植物。Aromatic plants are often used in cooking.

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焖烧烹调时间根据所烹饪的食物而定。Cooking time for different foods may vary.

他知道很多烹调田鸡的方法。He knew a dozen ways to prepare frog meat.

烹调直到水果变成黏稠的果冻。Cook until the fruit becomes a thick jelly.

烹调的气味和烟草味不相上下。The smell of cooking competed with tobacco.

在家政学中有教授多种烹调技能。Cooking skills are taught in Home Economics.

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用它来烹调食物和水消毒。It is used to cook food and sterilize water.

烹调蔬菜、肉类应烧熟煮透。Cook vegetables, meat shall burn ripe cooked.

丝瓜要如何烹调较不易变黑?How do you prevent loofah from turning black?