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他一个箭步冲了出去,连002都无法阻拦。He dashed out, even stop 002.

但我没让这阻拦我。But I didn't let that daunt me.

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尽情地吃吧,孩子,我不会阻拦你的。Eat away,my child, I'll not stop you.

没有人能阻拦我接受这项工作。Nobody can keep me back from taking the job.

劳动力灵活性排出阀一半被阻拦。The escape valve of labour mobility is half-blocked.

即使特别快车也能被信号阻拦。Even a mighty express train can be held up by signals.

现在我正在通向堂堂正正做人的道路,没有什么能阻拦我。I'm on my way and there's nothing going to stop me now.

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没有什么能阻拦我们走出这漫漫长夜。Nothing can keep us from walking off the livelong night.

柴团长拿枪指着花花被李冬青阻拦。Wood, pointed a gun at the flower perianth dong-qing li.

这些例子是要你警醒,而非阻拦你。These examples are meant to caution you, not to deter you.

最有希望获胜的汽车被其他汽车阻拦在栏杆边了,无法跑在前头。The favourite was boxed in against the rails by other cars.

夜犬和黑婆闻讯赶来,想阻拦黑蚁。Dogs and black woman rushed to night, to stop the black ant.

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修远的人生道上,荆棘满地,但阻拦不了我们前行的信念。Fix far life road, ground of thorns, but not our block on faith.

参加此次大赛时,洪秀焕也进行了阻拦。Participated in the contest, the Hong Xiuhuan also been blocked.

这对投资基础设施的人是一个新的阻拦。It's yet another impediment to anyone investing in infrastructure.

死灭不能阻拦真爱。死灭能做的,只非耽搁一会儿。Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.

王小红阻拦不了,只能看着胡百万把那些病人带走。WangXiaoGong stop not, can only look at the patient one million hu.

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一旦他们有了一个共同的目标,就没什么可以阻拦他们的爱情。Once they have a common goal, nothing can get in the way of their love.

小小贝在公园里撒欢地跑着,没人阻拦。Bryan was enjoying running around the park without interruption from us.

这位母亲竟没有阻拦自己的孩子向“太平洋风暴号”游过来,令我们大吃一惊。The mother surprised us by allowing her calf to turn toward Pacific Storm.