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在建设路上?On Jianshe road?

我们共同建设的。We built it together.

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伏尔加酒店建设场景。Volga Hotel construction.

易拉建设。Easy pull-on construction.

易滑的建设。Easy slip-on construction.

建设期长。Long construction periods.

反向伟力建设。Reverse welt construction.

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建设轮机间。Turbine room construction.

总有很多在建设中,There's always construction.

加州正在建设中的大坝。Shasta dam under construction.

一九七七年四月开始建设。Construction began in April 1977.

建设溢流堰。Construction of the overflow dam.

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我的地址是建设街51号。My address is 51 Jian She Street.

高速道路可是改道建设。The expressway could be re-routed.

耐用的固特异伟力建设。Durable Goodyear welt construction.

如何建设节约型社会?。How to Build an Economized Society?

马克是建设两谢斯一次。Mark is building two Shays at once.

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我不明白“加大设施建设力度”是什么意思。I don't know what "out-build" means.

锻炼身体,建设祖国。Train hard and build the motherland.

郑西高速铁路正在建设当中。Zhengzhou-xi'an high-speed railroad.