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这成为他的座右铭。It became his motto.

我的座右铭是运动。My motto for exercise.

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你知道什么是座右铭么?Do you know what mottos are?

谦卑是他的人生座右铭.Humility is his life's motto.

这个座右铭可以使你自信。This motto can make you confident.

这也很可能是整个食品行业的座右铭。It might as well be an industry motto.

我的座右铭是“为了邪恶的倒台”,My motto is "to the downfall of evil",

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在美国所有五十个州的座右铭。All fifty states in America have mottos.

锐意进取,永不自满是我的座右铭。Forge ahead, never complacency is my motto.

他曾说,"'没有风险就不好玩'是我的座右铭"。"'No risk, no fun' is my motto," he has said.

索菲特品牌的座右铭是“生活无限精彩”。The motto of Sofitel is that "Life is Magnifique".

这句话成为了大庆和龙油的座右铭。This has become a motto of both Daqing and Longyou.

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但我不喜欢座右铭,且从来就没有座右铭。But then I don’t like mottos and have never had one.

自由、平等、友爱是水瓶座的座右铭。Liberté, égalité, fraternité is the motto of Aquarius.

因此,“舔食蜂蜜”成为了我的贺拉斯座右铭。Hence "licking the honey" became my own Horatian motto.

“生命不息,减肥不止”是很多胖友的座右铭。There is life, not just weight loss is the motto of many Panyou.

“爱她们随后抛弃她们”是风流浪荡子唐璜的座右铭。"Love them and leave them" was the motto of the amorous Don Juan.

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我今天有没有记10句成功学座右铭或成功学信念?Have you remembered 10 sentences of motto or faith in Success today?

他曾说过的那句“人人都能当厨师”早就成为雷米的座右铭。He once said that "everyone can cook" would have become remy's motto.

去看看吧,你会明白为什么TED网的座右铭是“思想值得传播”。Check some out and you'll see why TED's motto is Ideas Worth Spreading.