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他们开始沉思默想。They fell to thinking.

她站在那里沉思默想。She stood there in a brown study.

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经常性地在心中默想幸福,这是一个好习惯。It is a good habit on which to ponder often.

马丁是个不爱讲话、喜欢沉思默想的小伙子。Martin is a quiet, contemplative sort of chap.

他每天去公园,坐在那里沉思默想。He goes to the park every day to sit and contemplate.

祷告和默想当然好,但是谁烧菜做饭!Prayer and meditation are great but someone has to cook!

你若知道怎么忧虑,你就已经知道怎样默想了!If you know how to worry, you already know how to meditate!

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这一笔我写下的微凉,心里默想细雨,想要南国的深秋早点莅临。The pen I wrote it, think of rain, want in early to late autumn.

祈祷和默想当然好,但是谁烧菜做饭!Prayer and meditine are good however mnumerousone hregarding cook!

以撒外出到田间沉思默想,上帝就祝福他。So was Isaac blessed when he walked therein at eventide to meditate.

现在,来默想一下,“我能做点什么来满足这些人的需要?Now think to yourself, "What can I do that some of these people need?

他的姐姐突然坐在那儿一动也不动了,陷入沉思默想之中。His sister became abruptly still, and lapsed into a pondering silence.

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但是他们不用通过沉思默想重重安全来保卫领土。Though they do not broodily guard their patch with bristling security.

那不过是要坐在附近旅馆他自己的房间里沉思默想罢了。It was only to sit in his own rooms in a neighbouring hotel and meditate.

对于行走默想的时间没有对或错的标准。There is no right or wrong length of time to practice walking meditation.

你愈默想神的话,你的忧愁挂虑就愈少。The more you meditate on God's Word, the less you will have to worry about.

我领悟了东方人所谓的沉思默想和暂弃劳作的其中意味。I realized what the Orientals mean by contemplation and the forsaking of works.

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本文改编自“周一早晨观点”,这是一系列由罗勃.符思特所写的默想文章。Taken and adapted from Take Two on Monday Morning, written by Robert D. Foster.

诺维克来到雪莉的房间,告诉她,帕默想和她在楼下一晤。Novick goes to Sherry to tell her that Palmer wants to meet with her downstairs.

事实上,默想只是聚焦的思想,是一件任何人都能学,随处可做的技巧。But meditation is simply focused thinking-a skill anyone can learn and use anywhere.